July 30,2016
A German satirical magazine has mocked Turkish President’s post-coup crackdowns by publishing a cover showing a sausage photoshopped over his groin area. The daring issue comes after Erdogan said he is dropping all insult-related lawsuits.
“Erdogan’s stressed: Even his penis is staging a putsch,” reads the front page of Titanic, a German satirical magazine based in Frankfurt. The cover itself features Turkey’s strongman with a massive sausage photoshopped over his private parts.
Source : RT
On its Facebook page, the magazine has advised fans to buy the August issue before “the Chancellor Tayyip Merkel bans Titanic.”
The audacious issue came after the Turkish president announced he is withdrawing all lawsuits against people charged with insulting him.
“I am going to withdraw all the cases regarding the disrespectful insults made against me,” he said on Friday as cited by AFP. Erdogan added it was a one-off gesture of goodwill, inspired by the feelings of popular unity in the wake of the attempted coup.
Earlier this year, some 2,000 people faced such prosecutions. In Germany, satirists launched a number of performances targeting Erdogan’s political style and inclination to autocracy.
In March, the NDR channel aired a satirical piece titled “Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan,” a broadcast that added fuel to uneasy Turkey-Germany relations. Ankara summoned the German ambassador to Turkey and demanded the video should be deleted.
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