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HomeEthiopian NewsOromia Regional State discloses OLA, Federal gov’t resume peace negotiation  

Oromia Regional State discloses OLA, Federal gov’t resume peace negotiation  

Ethiopia _ OLA _ News
OLA leader Jal Mero (left) and Shimeles Abdissa (right) (Photo : SM)

By Hailegebriel Endeshaw
Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – The regional government of Oromia disclosed that the peace negotiation resumed between the Government of Ethiopia and Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) would continue. Communications Head with Oromia Regional State, Hailu Adugna said in a statement he gave last Tuesday that his government has a firm position to resolve the differences with OLA and make the negotiation fruitful. 

Hailu said that the peace negotiation is of paramount importance to put a lasting solution to the problem, to reinstate peace or help the community lead normal peaceful lives. He called for the collaborations of various bodies so that the peace talk would become successful.

Meanwhile, the opposition party, Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) called on the Ethiopian Government and OLA to immediately continue the peace dialogue they started in Tanzania. 

The dialogue, which was held in Zanzibar-Tanzania between the ruling party and the OLA, was wound up without agreement. The federal government said in a statement it released on 02 May 2023 that the two parties did not reach agreement on some issues during the first round dialogue; but mostly the discussion was positive. 

On the other hand OLA told BBC of the Amharic Service last week that one of the issues that caused disagreement between the negotiators was the establishment of a joint transitional government. Oromo Liberation Front has also indicated in a statement it released on 03 May 2023 that the first round discussion was concluded without agreement on “key political matters”. 

However, sources indicated later that the major point that caused disagreement between the two parties was the ‘establishment of free Oromia’. A News Website named Goolgule said quoting its sources that the major point, which was rejected by the federal government, was the demand the other side (OLA) forwarded to hold a referendum in Oromia.

Currently the regional government of Oromia is saying that the negotiation will continue. The news source did not say anything regarding the decision of the federal government on this latest development. If the said negotiation continues as demanded by OFC and the government of Oromia Region, what will be the reason for the federal government to change its stand regarding some demands or points of disagreements that were reflected by OLA during the first round dialogue?


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