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HomeLatestLetter to the editorAbiy and the OPDO led government of Ethiopia has multiple reasons why...

Abiy and the OPDO led government of Ethiopia has multiple reasons why it is orchestrating  and sponsoring the Amhara genocide and ethnic cleansing (Yimer)

By Yimer 

Abiy and the OPDO led government of Ethiopia has multiple reasons why it is orchestrating  and sponsoring the Amhara genocide and ethnic cleansing:  

1. Abiy and OPDO want to present themselves as true Oromos in Oromia (since Abiy is  considered by Oromo eliteሰ as non-Oromo and OPDO lacks legitimacy as compared with  OLF) and to this end they want to please the Oromo nationalists by harming and attacking  Amhara 

2. OPDO in its bid to replace TPLF as a hegemonic party in the PP coalition (as TPLF was in  the former EPRDF coalition), they have faced resistance from the Amhara wing of PP called  ANDM and hence the OPDO opted to use a strategy of Amhara massacre in the belief that  this would trigger opposition on ANDM by Amhara people and the elites (for its failure to  

protect its people) and also, they believed that the Amhara massacre would harm ANDM  psychologically 

3. Abiy is concerned by the level of lack of support by the west (international community)  particularly by America and he reasonably thought that why the west progressively denied  support to his government is because the west considered that there is resurgence of  Amhara led Ethiopian nationalism. Therefore, Abiy wanted to prove to the west that his  administration is not Amhara led nationalist government rather it is anti-Amhara  government and hence he thought that allowing and sponsoring Amhara genocide and  ethnic cleansing would demonstrate to the west that the government is indeed Anti Amhara. 

4. Abiy and his party OPDO are creations of TPLF and they are brought up and programmed  to hate and fear Amharas, hence there is also psychological reasons for Abiy and OPDO to  unleash a terrorist and killing squad against. By the way it is not OLF/Shene that is executing  the massive massacre for the past three years, rather it is the Oromia regional government  police force camouflaged as OLF force. 

5. Abiy is utterly incapable of leading the nation even he is weaker than the stupid  Mengistu. Abiy is intensively engaged in project management because he wanted to  conceal his impotence as leader of a nation by way of demonstrating himself as a successful  project manager. The inconvenience fact (for him) is that project management and  managing a nation are fundamentally different matters in terms of scope, requirements,  complexity and significance. Now, this demanding nature of his role as leader of a nation  created frustration of Abiy and consequently, as a strategy of diverting the attention of the people and the international community, he opted to create havoc in the country and here  the extensive massacre Amhara people living in Oromia and Metekel are found to be excellent target.

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