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HomeLatestLetter to the editorborkena comment function restored, they are displayed on frontend now

borkena comment function restored, they are displayed on frontend now

borkena Ethiopian News

November 1, 2020

There has been a complaints from esteemed readers of borkena that comments are withheld. Some understood it as a deliberate effort to stifle voices and thought that their comments are deleted.

That was not the case. The latest update to wordpress platform affected the way comments are displayed. It was showing the backend but not on the frontend. Only comments count were shown.

Moreover, the change affected mobile menu and and slider on the home page.

The editor is very pleased to inform you that all the issues are now fixed. it means that all your comments that were visible on the backend will now show on the front end.

Comments will continue to be published so long as they do not bear profanity and vulgar languages.

Thank you for reading borkena and for your all contributions to help shape informed opinion.

As always, if you would like to publish your articles, please do send them to

Dimetros Birku

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  1. Dear editors,

    I am glad to hear that the problem with posted messages has been resolved. I am also pleased to hear from you once again that you will be guarding your esteemed website from those who are hell bent in their desire to see that gem of the colored go up in flames. These are not ‘liberation’ fighters but those who have this deep seated hatred for others. They are right here among us. They should never be allowed to spew their fetid breath on this website. That has nothing to do with respecting or denying someone his/her freedom of speech. It has to do with protecting Allah Blessed innocent human lives and property. These heathens don’t like anyone except themselves and that is why I see them as bigots, self-hating bigots just because as black men/women they hate other black folks. I am glad you will continue weeding them out of here!!! They are nothing but menace to society. In conclusion I will live you with a 150 years old quote by one of the founders of the New York Times Henry Jarvis Raymond which still resonates to this day: ‘ We shall be Conservative, in all cases where we think Conservatism essential to the public good;—and we shall be Radical in everything which may seem to us to require radical treatment and radical reform. We do not believe that everything in Society is either exactly right or exactly wrong;—what is good we desire to preserve and improve;—what is evil, to exterminate, or reform.’.

    Bless you and your family!!! Stay safe!!!!


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