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HomeNewsUSAID Announces an Additional $55 Million For Ethiopia’s Food-Crisis Response

USAID Announces an Additional $55 Million For Ethiopia’s Food-Crisis Response

Food-Crisis Response _ Ethiopia
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US Embassy Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, July 19, 2022 – Today the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced nearly $55 million in additional food-security assistance to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is currently experiencing increased food insecurity due to higher food and fertilizer prices, which have been exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. USAID will utilize this new funding to help Ethiopians overcome the current food crisis and to build further resilience to prevent and respond to food-related shocks in the future.

This new investment in the people of Ethiopia is part of President Joe Biden’s pledge—made in late June during the G7 Leaders’ Summit in Germany—to provide $2.76 billion in additional U.S. government resources to protect the world’s most vulnerable populations from the escalating global food security crisis.

In Ethiopia, USAID will use this new funding to reach over two million Ethiopians most affected by the Ukraine crisis. This population includes farmers whose water and supply systems were destroyed by the conflict in northern Ethiopia. USAID will help them boost Ethiopia’s current food production supply by rebuilding water supply systems, granting agribusiness loans, training farmers unions, bolstering seed and fertilizer distribution networks, and helping farmers purchase vital farming equipment.

Secondly, USAID will help build the resiliency of Ethiopia’s food production with over 3,500 agribusiness and the hardest hit populations – such as pastoralists and communities suffering from the drought in the Horn of Africa. Some funding will support beneficiaries of Ethiopia’s own Productive Safety Net Program which directly bolsters the food security of over eight million people per year. Other funding will help pastoralists identify and attain alternate livelihoods through grants, expand a credit guarantee fund for loans in rural areas, and improve cross-border agricultural trade through new activities like livestock health screening.

The United States Government is a longstanding partner in supporting the success and wellbeing of the people of Ethiopia. Over the last year, the United States has invested nearly $1.3 billion dollars in projects in development and humanitarian work to improve the lives of Ethiopians across the country and we will continue to work together towards the brighter future we all want to see.


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  1. Once again Good Ole USA at its best! Tell or ask those two bullies in Moscow and Beijing to top that. Fat chance! They are shipping guns and bullets by billions so those ‘niggers’ can kill each other like wild animals.

  2. Subject: “USAID Announces an Additional $55 Million For Ethiopia’s Food-Crisis Response, July 19, 2022”

    Humble Opinion, 20 July 2022
    It is refreshing !!! it is the good old USA n!!! It is the USA that I know who respects ETHIOPIA for its history & relationship with the USA >> cultural decency and political maturity with dignity & all the way from Emperors and down to the respectful individuals of the 21st Century

    I must say, it is good to see President Biden of the current USA has changed his attitude and approach to the friend of the USA for centuries &; Ethiopia. It is refreshing. Now, that is what I call an efficient representative of the Good Old USA, maintaining the relationship with the ancient independent country and sincere friend to the USA — named ETHIOPIA. Obviously, the USA and Ethiopia have aligned themselves on the right track of diplomacy — and hope they will keep it that way. It is healthy relationship for both. THANK YOU and WELCOME PRESIDENT BIDEN.(*)


    (*) I cannot resist the following commentary.
    For all it is worth, I was full heartedly an ADMIRER of Mr Biden, while he was in Congress. I was truly shocked when I noticed the unnecessary change in relationship. I kept asking myself: Why? Why? Why? with disbelief and no rational answer to what I was observing as typical commoner. Everything is OK and DANDY, NOW. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT for aligning me with my previous stand on the Good Old LOVABLE USA — THE FRIEND of HUMANITY.


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