Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeOpinionFarewell to Sovereignty: The National Bank of Ethiopia Slips Away

Farewell to Sovereignty: The National Bank of Ethiopia Slips Away

National Bank of Ethiopia

By Kebour Ghenna

The first warning to the Government of Ethiopia came straight from the IMF: Shape up, or you’re not getting a dime!

Whether this government thinks it’s outsmarting the IMF or simply doesn’t understand who it’s dealing with, last week’s developments suggest we’re in for a surprise.

Dear Readers, buckle up—we’re about to delve into what the IMF-imposed changes could mean for Ethiopia’s economic future. On the surface, the requirements to overhaul the governance of the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), enhance decision-making structures, and improve transparency and accountability sound beneficial. But the reality is far more complex. Implementing these reforms without careful adaptation to Ethiopia’s unique context could lead to instability rather than progress.

The pressure to align Ethiopia’s financial governance with international standards might force the country to adopt policies that don’t fully address its local challenges. Now, let’s talk about “external control.” Imagine this: You’re the captain of a ship (Ethiopia), and suddenly, someone else (the IMF) grabs the wheel. They assure you it’s for your own good, but there’s a good chance they don’t know these waters as well as you do. Sure, they might help avoid a few rocks, but what if they steer you straight into a storm? By handing over control of its National Bank, Ethiopia risks losing its ability to navigate its own economic challenges. Instead of solving Ethiopia’s problems, these one-size-fits-all solutions could exacerbate them. The risks of disrupting existing financial systems and creating new problems are real and demand serious consideration.

Why does the IMF insist on making the NBE independent? The obvious reason: it wants to control it.

How else do you explain the fact that the NBE is now required to submit comprehensive draft legal amendments to the Ethiopian Parliament… in consultation with IMF… and by December 2024!!

Yes, Dear Readers, we are about to hand over control of one of the most important institutions in the country—the NBE—to the IMF. Once this monetary law act is passed, the NBE, the key economic institution, becomes “independent,” giving it the power to make or break any government with its monetary policies. No one will have the right to interfere with its decisions. Citizens can elect whoever they want, but they will no longer have control over their country.

And trust me, once the NBE becomes independent, who do you think will control it? Not the people of Ethiopia, not even the wealthy elites of Ethiopia. It’s going to be the global elites who will pull the strings of our economy through the central bank.

Maybe I’m paranoid, but I see danger ahead.

Editor’s note : The article appeared first on the personal facebook page of Kebour Ghenna


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  1. The US Federal Reserve System (US FED) is a ‘private bank’ owned and operated by a Banking family group led by the Rothschilds Banking family.

    This banking cartel allegedly  bank-rolled President Wedro Wison’s 1912 election. It is also alleged that bankers were expecting him (he promised them ‘if elected’ ) to introduce a Banking & Income Tax bill in his first term as president. 
    On December 23rd 1913 (allegedly after the majority of the legislative body of congress was already off for the Christmas holiday) the “Federal Reserve Act’ was passed  and the Federal Reserve System was created.

    Though the term “Federal” often suggests Government ownership in many cases, besides having that term in its name “The Federal  Reserve System” (US FED) is a Private Bank.

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    The US president appoints as the FED Chairman after receiving the Nominee name from the bank’s  Board of Governors (Private bankers).

    Wilson in his finals days was it was said that he expressed his deepest regret his involvement and signing the bill that created the the US FED, by saying the following   

    ” I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”  [emphasis:bold]

    The Rothschild family has owned all European banks since 1745, and US FED since 1913.

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    All the none G7 nations often referred to as “the Axis of evil” are nations whos ‘Central Banks’ are not under this family. 
    It is often said: “all wars are banker’s wars”, because they have a history of funding both sides and profiting from them both.  If one sees closely, the two current wars in Ukraine and Palestine, unlike any other wars, they look very suspicious & unique the way all ‘western’ nations (G7,  “Bankers owned”) are acting in concert in both cases; including the statements they make seem ‘cut & paste’ word by word. The commitments they make to continue to supply military assistance to both wars even as their economies suffer and are facing business shutdowns, rising unemployment, less tax revenue forcing them to continue printing their currencies & getting deeper into unmanageable debt levels. 

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    Though it is the population with lower income brackets that is getting poorer, the Military Industrial Complex  (MIC) of US and EU are making “historic” (record) profit, and are eager to continue to invest in making more ammo to further these wars so that they make more money.    

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    Abiy and company MUST cancel this IMF ‘strangulation’ attempt or the public must rise up, they need to be stopped, or removed before this ‘takeover-deal’ is presented and approved by the  unsuspecting Ethiopian parliament body.

    Ethiopia must be saved, at all cost &  now! 

    Be well.

  2. “The US FED  (Federal Reserve System)  is a private entity”.

    @ 16:20 in this video, below:

    US Dollar Death, Banking Collapses & Endless Wars To Result In Hyperinflation | Lynette Zang

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    So, when the IMF wants NBE to become “Independent” of the Ethiopian Government, and become “Private” means the European Baking families want to own it. And the Ethiopian economy and its wealth is going to be controlled by their worthless paper $$$ they keep printing non-stop, and the People of Ethiopia have no say any more, on their own land.
    Once you lose the control of your Central bank, it is over, you do what they tell you to do, that is why the US is at war to protect & enforce “International  Bankers” Interest  ( City of London, Banking district, independent of England, even King Charles III has get the Bankers permission to set foot there.)  

    Mayer Amschel Rothschild:

    “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”

     David Rockefeller:

    “The Japanese banks are not having an easy time as they once had.”  
    After the Japanese let their currency move from fixed to ‘floating-rate’ (devaluation).

    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years… It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
    David Rockefeller

    “Blackrock” US based asset management firm’s  global “asset tokenization” control plan  (Pay close attention!!!)

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    Ethiopians controlled their destiny in their own hands for thousands of years, our forefathers shaded their blood to keep it so, therefore, we should not let these up-and-coming ‘dreamers’ who think ‘everything that shines gold’,  take us to the slaughter-house.    

    Ironically  enough, it was the same Abiy Ahmed who once said “… western wealth is based on ‘credit’, Congo has more wealth than the US, except Congo’s wealth is still underground” is attempting to make Ethiopians “creditors” for foreign Banks.  

    The Ethiopian Parliamentarians need to be informed, this is not the PATH Ethiopia must follow, and MUST reject this IMF trap.
    Tell Abiy to go to BRICS Bank instead.

    Only Firefighters go into a burning building for a good reason, the Financial system IMF belongs to, is going down any day now ( 2024.25), STAY away!!!

    Be well.

    • IMF “Privatize your Central Bank, if you want our $$$ Loans”…

      How Elites Are Creating a New Class of Slaves In Africa!

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      Our own Ethiopian “elites” to stay in POWER are working for the interest of the foreign forces, depriving their own population basic life and the future of the next generation.

      • Professor Howard Nicholas
        ‘Underdevelopment’ in Africa – What’s the Real Story? (1/3)

        Link =

        Our forefathers defeated foreign invaders generation after generation for thousands of years, only to be betrayed by their own so-called ‘educated’ grandchildren of the 21st century ( the enemy within) , and undoubtedly their skeleton is rolling in their graves…

        The elites borrow money to build Palaces, instead of buying tractors, building water canals to expand irrigation farming to increase food production in a country blessed with sufficient water resources and large amounts of arable land.
        But what is happening is producing more mouths to feed while the existing population is going hungry, and cattle are dying in the thousands due to water shortage ( drought conditions ), but the elites of this nation are blinded to these realities because of their false ideas of beautifying their work and living places instead. ( as in the first Abiy project in 2018 was to renovate his office, where many PM before him have worked for decades without a problem…
        Building a Palace with borrowed money is more important than expanding farms that would make the nation food self-sufficient, we have leaders with grand vision deficiency.

        Every generation defines how the next would likely be at, and from where we stand today the prospect seems unimaginable and further away from our forefathers dreams for the future of this nation.

        Our nation has faced many challenges before, and was able to overcome them all and triumphed . This too will all pass!

        Be well.

        Be well

  3. Dear Mr. Gena,

    Having an independent National Bank of Ethiopia is a positive development. The bank will have the authority to limit the printing of money to a level that the economy can support. Prime Minister Abiy will not be able to instruct Mamo Mihret to print money at his discretion. The bank will be managed by professionals and operate according to banking principles. This change will bring a new level of governance to the banking sector. This autonomy is reminiscent of the National Bank’s independence during the reign of His Imperial Majesty.

    • Dear Mekuria,

      (1) “Having an independent National Bank of Ethiopia is a positive development.”
      To whom?

      (2) “The bank will be managed by professionals and operate according to banking principles.”

      One of those “banking principles’ include “floating currencies” which exposes the currency of a particular country to be ‘valued’ by outside players (Forex Currency traders) which involves ‘shorting currencies’ which we observed the Japanese Bank spending hundreds of billions of $$$ to support its falling currency since the US FED started raising its ‘interest rates’ , and ‘collapsing currencies’ such as George Soros collapsing the British Pond in 92 , the late Jeffery Epstein & company collapsed the Mexico’s Peso in 95… which lead to the selling of the Mexico Bank to City bank (Group) of USA for pennies on the dollar (peso).

      Explained in the video below @ 49:25

      Link =

      How did George Soros break the bank of England.

      Link =

      Floating Rate vs. Fixed Rate: What’s the Difference?

      Link =

      By having a “fixed rate” a country maintains the management of its currency & its value, & manages its foreign reserve levels by reducing ‘import’ and increasing ‘export’ (expand farming & Livestock, higher productivity, increased output) so that it doesn’t have to hold huge amount of foreign reserve.
      Alternatively by going with “floating rate” the risk becomes much more pronounced, because the possibility of becoming a target to currency-manipulators & 3 letter foreign agencies clandestine attack, as discussed in the above video.
      The risk is huge, with serious consequences.

      The world of ‘banking’ is not as ‘clean’ & ‘clear’ as as it seems, but on the surface, or in denial.

      Be well.

      • Why did Ethiopia join the BRICS but ‘forgot’ to join the BRICS ‘New Development Bank” which is very central to the organization’s formation & existence and that makes the bilateral-TRADE-function between member-states possible & necessary for participating members to be able to TRADE using their own currencies?
        Link =

        I see two possible reasons:
        (1) Abiy (the top leadership) is compromised by the US, therefore unable to exercise the nation’s sovereignty…
        (2) the NBE leadership is selling the nation’s interest in order to BUILD their own career ( and advising the PM in the wrong direction) hoping to climb the corporate-ladder to a cushy position within IMF & WB structures as their reward.

        Watch this video below and make your own further research and conclusions.

        “BRICS Bank vs. IMF: BRICS Bank Accepts New Member, Poised to Challenge IMF Predatory Tactics”

        Link =

        Be well.


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