Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeEthiopian NewsU.S. Embassy accuses borkena of "false reporting", demands "retraction and apology"

U.S. Embassy accuses borkena of “false reporting”, demands “retraction and apology”

U.S embassy request to retract a report and apologize unacceptable unless deliberated by borkena readership 


The U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa is accusing Borkena, online Ethiopian News Portal,  of publishing what it called “false reporting” and requested a retraction and apology. 

The request was through an electronic mail communication that the spokesperson/Press Officer  of the Embassy, S. Najlaa Abdus-Samad, sent to the editor and owner of borkena. A screenshot of the unclassified communication is shared below. 

The claim is made in connection with a report published on August 30, 2021 regarding the destruction of over 7000 schools in Afar and Amhara regions of Ethiopia for which a local government news source was cited. 

It was published under the title “US backed TPLF forces destroyed over 7000 schools in Afar, Amhara regions” 

In an effort to double-check and get more clarification, The owner of borkena responded to the embassy requesting clarification as to which part of the report constitutes “false reporting” in the eyes of the U.S. Embassy. (See screenshot below) 

The response from the Embassy was that the report “falsely claims that the U.S. is sponsoring the TPLF. ”  However, borkena has never used the phrase “U.S. is sponsoring the TPLF” in the report. 

The part that implicates the U.S. and European Union in the borkena report reads : “The TPLF has been enjoying what some Ethiopian voices describe as “tacit” support from the United States and the European Union. They have been putting pressure on the Ethiopian government for several months now on alleged grounds of “human rights violation,” rape (which is not substantiated yet), and blocking of access for the delivery of aid to the Tigray region of Ethiopia. ” 

borkena provides opinionated news articles.  Like many Ethiopians, borkena  believes that the U.S. has been tacitly supporting the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). 

There has been circumstantial evidence that supports possible U.S. involvement on the side of the TPLF which the Ethiopian Parliament designated as a terrorist organization. 

Soon after, the Ethiopian government withdrew forces from the Tigray region of Ethiopia following a unilateral humanitarian ceasefire at the end of June, a picture of TPLF spokesperson, Getachew Reda, with a satellite phone along with WFP expatriate staff and the recent discovery of TPLF consumption of USAID high energy nutritious food that was supposed to be distributed to those in need in Tigray are just few of the circumstantial evidences for  U.S. affiliation with the TPLF. 

In terms of history, the role of the U.S. in the coming to power of the TPLF and the support (financial, diplomatic, political and military) it got from the U.S. are clear indications that TPLF was indeed a client group to the United States. 

After the TPLF attacked the Ethiopian Defense Force in late November 2020, which triggered the conflict, and the Tigray region which TPLF took to Afar and Amhara regions,  the Ethiopian parliament clearly declared TPLF as a terrorist organization. However, many of the statements issued by the U.S. state department regarding the Ethiopian conflict ignored that fact and the pressure was rather on Ethiopia (and the Ethiopian government though. And it has to be clear that borkena does not have any affiliation with the Ethiopian government). That is another indication for tacit U.S. support. In light of those realities, it does not constitute a false claim to link U.S. and TPLF terrorists. 

Outside the U.S. government, giant U.S. news outlets had been publishing distorted and at times false news regarding conflict in Ethiopia. From the Washington Post to the New York Times, and CNN were practising it. They never apologized for the false news they have been publishing. 

borkena does not accept the request from the U.S. embassy to retract the report and apologize. The readership of borkena will deliberate on the matter.

Furthermore, borkena does not have any hostility to the U.S. In fact, it has been publishing media releases that it has been receiving from the embassy.  The embassy may send submission for publication refuting the aforementioned report. 

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  1. Dear Embassy of the United States of America,
    Which account of the information do you think is inaccurate? Is it the about 7,000 schools destroyed by the TPLF or your government’s backing of the terrorists? Both are varifiable facts and the whole world knows about it, not to mention Africa. As for your backing of the TPLF, you have already taken Ethiopia to UNSC 8 times to obtain mandates to crush is to rescue your terrorists. You failed to punish the GoE to support your terrorists. You have unilaterally declared sanctions on Ethiopian officials in support of the terrorists. Your secretary of State, Anthony Blinken has been issuing warning after warnings to the Ethiopian Government, almost ordering to surrender otherwise God knows what else follows. Your Samantha Power had also been busy threatening Ethiopia to open the Sudanese corridor so that you supply arms unhindered. So far, what the USA Government had not done is directly fighting within Ethiopian territory like they did in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya, Somalia … I don’t really know why the Government of Ethiopia does not break ties with with the USA, as the only thing left is Buden’s declaration if war on sovereign Ethiopia.

    • It is possible GOE had already surrendered with some foreign groups that is strangling ethiopia, clue, listen to the recent Zehabesha news tha 666 is alreadu strangling ethiopia and secret buildings in ethiopia. Ethiopia under our kings was never drpendent on others did not lose Ethiopia’s true essence as the originstors, not be told by new- comer goreigners who claim to be orginators turning Ethiopia as student and idiot who need to be taught. Indeed since the foreighners take over of ethiopia especially that became visible under tplf rule ethiopia has been turned into stone age, note, l am not talking about ethiopua must have sky skraper like Babylon jotvto be called stone age

  2. Who is this S.Najila Abdus Samad? It sounds that he is one of those attention starving rookies who wants to be noticed. I don’t think what was posted on Borkena is uncommon. If it is uncommon and that is was what the editors think then what? Go after them with the counseling might the embassy has? That would not be fair. It is like trying to stop what is in the editors’ thinking process. That is not Good Ole USA! The reason I think that Embassy employee is one if those rookies and attention seeker in the choice of words in his accusation. I read the article again and again I could not find the term ‘sponsoring’ in it. That is totally amateurship. I have read many comments that accuse the US not expressing balanced opinion about the conflicts and human rights violations in Ethiopia. Personally I don’t believe the USA wants the goons of TPLF back on the saddle of ruling the country but I do feel that there could be individuals in the current administration who might have developed blind/hard to shake off rapport with Debre and the gang. The USA is in the right to be concerned with what the current localized conflict may lead if it is not resolved through dialogue and peacefully. I myself am very worried. The current war in Tigray exploded in November 2020 and we were told it was over two weeks after it started. It is now September 2021 and the conflict is still raging 10 months later. Unless both sides meet the middle way and solve this senseless dispute sooner if not later battle fatigue is going to set in and things can go haywire overnight. What we see now in confined location in Oromia and Shangul may leech into other regions. Then you will have regional catastrophe of historic proportion with the entire 120 million people on the move. That will make the entire region unsafe and unlivable affecting the safety of everyone including here in USA itself. That lifeline of Europe, the Red Sea? Just forget about it. You remember the recent Suez Canal Ever Green jam and what it did to Europe? So I hope and pray that this conflict will go away soon.
    Meanwhile, bin Abdu-Samad needs serious counseling by his superiors at the embassy.

    • Make that: The reason I think that Embassy employee is one if those rookies and attention seekers is the choice of words in his accusation/demand.

  3. Here we go again! Typically American tactics, to accuse others for it’s crimes and it’s openly supporting a terrorist organization TPLF. The whole world knows that, the Joe Biden administration is supporting terrorist TPLF and the state Department is filled with TPLF backers, such as Susan Rice & her cronies.
    The American embassy in Addis Abeba should tell us what story is being falsely reported by “borkena”, the fact of the matter is that, the support provided by the United States of America to terrorist TPLF is under reported and or even not reported at all by the so called western media, as a matter of fact the western media is spreading false and gestapo Nazi style propaganda against Ethiopia in order to make Ethiopia and prime minister Abiy Ahmed at fault rather than the American supported terrorist organization TPLF.

    I am not quite sure why Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is still contemplating in keeping the diplomatic channels open with the United State of America , while America is waging a proxy war against Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia. This time around the people of Ethiopia will not forget what America did to their country for generations to come.

  4. I might add that, the pro-neocolonialist president Joe Biden and his state Department will not be successful in making Ethiopia another Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq. The always bloodthirsty America must take it’s hands off ETHIOPIA and AFRICA.

  5. Million Samuel, and many other socalled mahibrekidusan(mahibre impure and unholy )members are sycophants and boot-lickers of PP and they support amhara led government. He must be arrested where he lives and handed to OLA, upcoming leaders of Great Republic of Oromia. Mahibrekisusan should be dismantled and the building should be given to the church. It is simply an intelligence and financiallly oriented mafia group who sell shiro, berbere, and import automobiles .deport eritrans from every country.Eritreans should be confiscated and sent to asmara if not outside redsea no more eritrea as a country from 2022 on ward. All riches which were owned by mahibrekidusan, and other wealthy men who support PP should be confiscated except the ordinary poor citizens of any tribe let alone the PP assets.

  6. #US government is the true enemy of Ethiopians. Since the start of this war in Ethiopia the US government showed a clear picture by supporting TPLF in regard to silencing international media not to report against TPLF wrong doings and by urging our peacefully elected government to make a discussion with a terrorist group who has no intention of making peace rather who need to fulfill the westerns policy of creating chaos in East Africa for their lust of control in the area. Ethiopians are now know who the real enemy is and they have a secret weapon inherited from their forefathers to defend their great nation ETHIOPIA , a colonizer most afraid of.
    After the war Ethiopian government should consider its relationship with this evil nation and put a strategy of dismantling its dependability of the west in general. Ethiopians will stand together with our government decisions no matter what the cost is. We are in the remaking of ADWA battle and victory will be ours.

  7. Well done, Borkena!.

    The arrogance of the US has passed all limits. Their outrageous policies and propaganda networks have been spinning lies after lies on our country and government for years now. And they now have the audacity to complain about your reporting. The lesson is that all Ethiopian related websites should pick the courage of Borkena and expose the unholy alliance of the US / UK/ EU axis of evil with the TPLF terrorists.

    We shouldn’t be surprised to see a TPLF mole in the US Embassy in Addis Ababa. Why, they have succeeded in infiltrating the US Administration itself in many of the levels; including the UN and its branches.

    Why blame a certain S.Najila Abdus Samad? He may be a junior officer there only following orders.

  8. Dear Editors of this esteemed website,

    Please keep us all abreast with the latest on this matter. This is nothing short of bullying by this attention seeking employee. Senator Rand Paul has been falsely accusing the US government for funding a scientific research at the Wuhan with some viruses which started the COVID-19 pandemic. Did Najilla or his colleagues demand a retraction from this senator and many others like him who make the same claim? Did he and his colleague demand a retraction by many notables who claim the COVID-19 vaccines plant tracking chips on the vaccinated? I hate to say this but I can’t help to think that somebody, I say somebody, at that embassy is using this employee as a ‘house nigger’ and play the despicable ‘Uncle Tom’. I don’t see a name by ‘Tom Wagner’ or a Troglodyte named ‘Bertha Butt’ demand a retraction. Hey Najilla! I did not make up Senator Rand Paul’s false accusation. Here is the link for you: and if this does not go down easily for you, here is another one straight from DC itself and when you are in town make sure to swing by the paper’s HQ and demand a retraction: Please note that such false accusations about the pandemic and vaccines are costing thousands of gullible lives. You are scratching where it does not itch. Good luck!

    • Dear Editors,

      May be some of my characterizations of that employee are too harsh. You can change the N’ word to ‘a tool’ such as:
      ‘I hate to say this but I can’t help to think that somebody, I say somebody, at that embassy is using this employee as a tool and play a despicable messenger.’

      The rest should be fine and palatable even to a discriminating reader.

  9. let me put it this way so you can understand it A=B B=C THEREFORE A=C
    You been supporting TPLF FROM beginning let TPLF IS B and your A so if TPLF SUPPORT DESTRUCTION OF SCHHOL Is C
    YOUR A ( USA)A=B ( TPLF ) B support Destruction C so YOU SUPPORT Destruction

  10. Najlaa Abdus-Samad was posted in Egypt and some countries in asia prior coming to Ethiopia. her job is defusing any report against USA policies and politicians..

  11. I’m not sure if a simple opinion of an editor or the freedom of expression of the media constitutes any transgression against the mighty and ” freedom loving ” of the American empire. That said, I have been immersed these days with the thoughts of as to why the erstwhile poweerful of USA foreign policy is beholden by a small criminal clique languishing and anguishing in a desolate mountain and far away place called the Dedebit Tigrai ? Are they blindsided by so.e thing or naive and couldn’t distinguish right from wrong? Not very likely; Is there personal some dislikeness and antipathy against Abiy admin by the current top USA policy advisors. It could be but this cannot explainthe the mystery. Remember this anti-Ethiopian policy was openly ser motion and promoted by the Trump admin.. Also the fundamentals of the American foreign policy doesn’t change much regardless of the Party on th Bose power. Did the TPLF clique made personal favors with the past or indebted other worldly material and benefits to the policy makers and lobbyist spectre ? Sure, but that doesn’t explain the whole story since politics has only perment interest but not permanent friends? The only plausible explanation is the politics of Grand Dam of the Nile vis a vis with Egypt in which USA, at behest of Isreal, is against it and precisely because it was perceived that the instability of Egypt threatens the intrest of Israel in the Middles in which , in turn, also threatens the USA intresr in the whole region. This Iis not even far fetched conspiracy th err or but it is clear and plausible
    realpolik objectives to explain the political kerfuffle.

  12. I’m not sure if a simple opinion of an editor or freedom of expression of the media constitutes any transgression against the mighty and ” freedom loving ” American empire. That said, I have been immersed these days with thoughts of as to why the erstwhile poweerful of the USA foreign policy is beholden by a small criminal clique languishing and anguishing in a desolate mountain and far away place called the Dedebit Tigrai ? Are they blindsided by something or naive and couldn’t distinguish right from wrong? Not very likely; Is there some personal dislikeness and antipathy against Abiy admin by the current top USA policy advisors. It could be but this cannot explain the the mystery. Remember this anti-Ethiopian policy was openly ser motion and promoted by the Trump admin.. Also note the fundamentals of the American foreign policy doesn’t change much regardless of the Party on the power. Did the TPLF clique made personal favors with the past with State Department people or indebted other worldly material and benefits to the policy makers and lobbyist spectre ? Sure, but that doesn’t explain the whole story since politics has only perment interest but not permanent friends? The only other plausible explanation is the politics of Grand Dam on the Nile vis a vis with Egypt in which USA, at the behest of Isreal, is against it in the short- and medium-term and precisely because it was perceived that the instability of Egypt threatens the intrest of Israel in the Middles in which , in turn, also threatens the USA intresr in the whole region. This Iis not even far-fetched conspiracy as you might hink but it is clear and plausible
    realpolik objectives to explain the political kerfuffle.


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