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HomeEthiopian NewsAmbo lived a bloody day again as Agazi forces kill dozens

Ambo lived a bloody day again as Agazi forces kill dozens

It was bloody day for the defiant city of Ambo in Western Ethiopia

Ambo protest - Ethiopia
Photo credit : African News

borkena, Ethiopian News
October 26,2017

Agazi force, the loyal TPLF forces mostly of Tigre origin, reportedly killed 10 and wounded more than 20 in Ambo city, west of the capital Addis Ababa.

Ambo city communication head, Gadissa Desalegne, told DW Amharic service that security forces entered the city from elsewhere and opened fire on protesters.

Addisu Arega, communication head of Oromo regional state of Ethiopia, confirmed the deaths of civilians and that many are wounded.

however, an updated report by DW Amharic rather indicates that the number of people killed following Agazi attak is 20. Fifteen are wounded.

A student at Ambo University reportedly left a voice message on DW Amharic WhatsApp account and he is quoted by the aforementioned media as saying “Agazi entered men’s dormitory and beating up students”

Regional special police became more affiliated with the grievances of protestors and perhaps that is why government deployed loyal forces to TPLF the city. Reports from social media indicates that there is heavy presence of security forces in city.

A renewed protest broke out three days ago and protestors demanded the release of political prisoners and an end to “woyane” – that is how TPLF is called by many Ethiopians – rule.

Lorries with sugar from Fincha sugar factory were blockaded in the city in the past two days and protesters confiscated tons of sugar.

The US embassy in Addis Ababa issued a security alert today noting the situation in Ambo.

Ambo has always been resisting the ruling party since it took over power in 1991. The city has also been carrying out an active anti-government protest for the last two years.

Historically, the city is home to many Ethiopian patriots who fought against fascist Italy. People who held an important government position in post-imperial Ethiopia, for example the late Tesfaye Dinka – who was Foreign Affairs minister, came from Ambo.

Ambo has also produced one of the most vocal opposition leader, Merera Gudina, who is thrown into prison upon arrival to Ethiopia from a working visit to Europe. Protesters are demanding his release.

Photo Credit : Africa News
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