Ethiopia’s ruling party leadership (executives and heads of the regional states) was meeting for two days in the Somali region of Ethiopia.
“Executives of Prosperity Party had a useful discussion,” Abiy Ahmed said.
Not much is disclosed about it but it appears to be a performance evaluation and planning meeting from what the PM is saying.
The end of it is declared from, as seen from a video footage aired by state owned media, a wheat field in the region. The Ethiopian PM sees wheat cultivation in the region as a success story. “This area was affected by drought last year,” he explained.
Wheat has been dominating state media news contents in recent months – not to mention other publishers.
The ruling party is aspiring to “export wheat.” The plan is to produce it all year round using irrigation.
In his remark, he said he has told Mustafa Mohammed, head of the Somali region, that the region has to make 2 million quintals of wheat for export.
Watch video clip below
Video : embedded from FBC Youtube channel
Cover photo :screenshot from the video
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I had said this on several occasions before. I had said that our Somali brothers and sisters are one of the most resourceful groups of people in the old country, Ethiopia. They have the dexterities to make something useful out of desperately scant resources. What they were lacking were peace and stability. This lack of stability was exacerbated by bad apples among them. Who doesn’t have bad apples? I say this not from nothing I don’t know about them. I know them because I had spent my formative years with them. Some of my longtime friends are Somalis mainly Issas and Issaq’s Habar Awal clans. My merchant relatives have had long time business relationships going back to the coming of the former Chemin de Fer, Franco-Ethiopian Railway.
Ways to go H.E. Mustafa! Bravo! Bravo!!! Congratulations my brothers and sisters!!!!