August 20,2018
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) says it will help the Ethiopian government “fight lawlessness and anarchy”, according to a report published today by government-affiliated media Fana Broadcasting Corporation.
The party’s spokesperson, Tolera Adeba, is cited as saying that his party will work to stop illegal actions perpetrated in the name of his party.
OLF is not interested in creating insecurity and risking peace but in liberating people and bring about peace and democracy, the spokesperson added according to the source.
Tolera Adeba added that any illegal activity planned to obstruct “Oromo People’s struggle” in the name of OLF does not represent the party.
Last week, a picture of armed combatants with OLF fag operating in Wollega region of Ethiopia was widely shared on social media and it is unclear if the spokesperson is disowning any armed groups in different parts of Oromo region of Ethiopia who claim to be OLF fighters.
OLF signed a peace accord with representatives of the government of Ethiopia, which was led by foreign minister Workneh Gebeyehu, in Eritrea some two weeks ago. As per the agreement, OLF is to pursue its political goal through peaceful means.
Meanwhile, the regional government in Oromo region of Ethiopia disclosed today that it has arrested groups engaged in criminal activity in the region in the name of Qeerroo, a youth group that relentlessly resisted repression under TPLF in the immediate years before Abiy Ahmed, who is an Oromo himself, was elected as Prime Minister of Ethiopia.
Two days ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed warned that mistaking lawlessness and anarchy for freedom will not be tolerated. In the same week, Lemma Megersa, president of Oromo regional state warned against illegal and criminal activities in the region.
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Well said, OLF. This is one way of building your image; correcting your tarnsihed name.