Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeEthiopian NewsEskinder Nega reportedly beaten in Prison

Eskinder Nega reportedly beaten in Prison

Eskinder Nega


Balderas for True Democracy leader Eskinder Nega was reportedly beaten in Qilinto prison, zone 4. 

It is Sentayehu Chekol, his comrade and one of the leaders of the party who is also arrested, who told Ledeta first instance court. 

He told the court that Eskinder did not make it to court as he is hurting after he was attacked on Thursday in the morning, according to a report by DW Amharic. 

Sergeant Mesfin Yilma, the representative of the prison authority, denied it. He told the court that Eskinder was involved in a fight with another prisoner with whom he shares room. Furthermore, he said Eskinder was scratched on knee and on eyebrow.

Commander of the prison also appeared on state media, EBC, to provide explanation about the incident. He painted painted it in a way to give the impression that Eskinder is not seriously hurt.

The court appearance , which Eskinder missed, was meant to be for a hearing from witnesses.  Court ordered that Eskindir appear for a hearing on October 25. 

The news of the attack on Eskinder Nega is trending on social media. Most Ethiopians are condemning the government over it. 

Most Ethiopians do believe that Eskinder is unfairly arrested on trumped up charges of terrorist as Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was consolidating his power a year or so before the end of his first term in office. 

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  1. Whether the prisoner is hurt or not high profile prisoners like Eskinder should not have been sent to a maximum security prison and mixed with dangerous career criminals. Folks, I am getting disappointed by Abiy’s regime day by day but I am not sure who is ready to pick up the baton. I may just forget all about it and let the chips fall where they may. This is just too much to stomach.

  2. Tplf is now as it is evident it is losing, it is moving the struggle behind the mainstream brining issues like : addis ababa, amara, olf, Eskinder Nega, etc.

  3. So angry, sad and disappointed by the absence of justice and Freedom!! One of the first signs of classical dictator’s tactic is abusing power, abusing innocent people. PM Abiy from the get go has said to have a war with him? So how is PM Abiy different from Meles and Woyane? Why is Abiy threatened by democratic rights of Addis Ababans unless he has other undemocratic, dark and deceitful plans?
    How long are Abiy, Takele Uma and Adanech Abebe have planned to keep abusing Eskinder Nega’s and the Balderas members democratic and humans rights?
    How does Abiy believe will convinces Ethiopians that Eskinder Nega a violent criminal that deserves to be sent to a maximum security prison with violent criminals? Mind you ONE Year is already gone by without appearing in court and charges? The whole world knows Iskinder is a fighter for justice, equality and democracy. Everyone knows he has nothing to do with the death of Hachalu Hundesa? The court already has found who killed Hachalu Hundesa but kept Iskinder and the Balderas members in prison for ONE year without charges.
    This is a violation of humans rights and abuse of power just like Woyane time!! Iskinder and the Balderas members should be free and compensated for violation of their democratic and humans rights!!!! If PM Abiy feels strong by being the PM who throws innocent and people like Eskinder to prison for speaking out theri democriatic rights, Ethiopians must brace themselves for more dark and miserable future that they have to get into another fight for freedom.

  4. When PM Abiy is abusing innocent Eskinder Nega and the Balderas group the real OLF criminals that continued to massacre hundreds and thousands of Amharas and Orthodox and Muslims are given respectful receptions and pardoned.

    When those OLF rebels who are taking TPLF order to do the same crime are training to murder more Amhara Christian and Muslims including every Orthodox Christians are allowed to arm and train more OLF murderers in open fields.

    How on earth Eskinder is imprisoned with career criminals while the real OLF career criminals that are soaked in innocent Amhara and none Orthodox and Muslim blood are pardoned and accepted to live with peaceful people?


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