September 19, 2019
Eskinder Nega and Bekele Gerba had, needless to say, both been in prison before Abiy Ahmed became prime minister.
Bekele Gerba is an Oromo nationalist who seems to believe exclusive ethnic Oromo ownership of Ethiopia’s capital which is currently being run by Takele Uma, a central member of Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) and said to be an Oromo nationalist in a caliber of the radical OLF group.
Eskinder Nega, on the other hand, has formed a movement called Baladera council – a movement that advocates for an elected mayor, rather than appointed one, for Addis Ababa. His movement believes that Addis Ababa belongs to its residents and all Ethiopians.
They debated their political views, the issue of sense of entitlement in the Oromo nationalist quarter that “it is Oromo’s time to rule Ethiopia.” In fact, Eskinder Nega is not alone in that as many Ethiopians are criticizing Oromo Democratic Party officials and cadres as the later seem to demonstrate political behavior that seems to prove entitlement.
Watch their debate from the video below (has four parts).
Video: embedded from Nahoo TV YouTube channel
Cover photo: screenshot from video
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Did Bekele really say that Oromia is a sovereign nation?
There needs to be drug test before these activists come on shows like this m.