Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeEthiopian NewsTPLF Split Escalates: Factional Tensions Disrupt Meeting in Tigray 

TPLF Split Escalates: Factional Tensions Disrupt Meeting in Tigray 

Public Meeting disrupted in Shire, Tigray region of Ethiopia

TPLF _ Tigray _ Ethiopian News
Getachew Reda, president of the Interim administration in Tigray (photo credit : DW Amharic)


Toronto – It has been several months now since the latest split with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) came to the open. Despite the  calls for resolving it through dialogue including the U.S. government that has been known to be a client to the party for well over three decades, the difference continues to worsen. 

Not only has it started to manifest itself on their supporters, it has reached to a point where a meeting can not take place in their presence.  The scheduled meeting in Shire – one of the major towns in the Tigray region – this Sunday is a good example to demonstrate it. 

Getachew Reda – head of the Interim Administration in the Tigray region – and other senior members of his administration were to engage residents of the city. It did not happen. Supporters were the two factions were about to clash following a war of words. 

DW Amharic shared an eyewitness account of  Youngman whom it said was in the meeting room when it unfolded. “There were those who insulted the interim administration president ‘banda’. On the other hand there were those mostly youth who offered support to Getachew saying ‘Getachew Gegna’ [Hero],” he is cited as saying. The witness added that there was severe commotion and the audience was divided into two.

Tigray region Interim Administration has released a statement regarding the incident, according to DW Amharic. It alleges that “Some people who were  given a directive [apparently from the other faction of TPLF] ahead of [the meeting],” deliberately caused disturbance for the meeting not to take place.  

The communication office of the Interim Administration said that another public meeting will be organized “within a short time” in consideration of public interest and those youth who demonstrated support, as reported by DW Amharic.

Following the controversial 14th TPLF Party Congress which reelected Debretsion Gebremichael – leader of the other faction within the TPLF – as chairman of the Party , which Getachew Getachew Reda’s Party rejects as illegal, as is the case with the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, Getachew Reda had a series of public meetings and engagements in several cities in the region including in Mekelle. 

Tadesse Worede, Deputy President of the Interim Administration, who also led what was called “The Tigray Defense Force,” recently instructed the Interim administration not to make zone and district level appointments, and he argues that will help avoid aggravation of the conflict between the two factions. 

The division within the TPLF has caused concern about a possible outbreak of the war.  The United States has been attempting to resolve the internal party (beyond interference in the internal affairs of the country) problem of the TPLF. 

About two weeks ago, U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ervin Massinga, traveled to the region and held discussions with leaders of both factions. And last week,  Mike Hammer, U.S. Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa met leaders of both factions. The U.S. has been a long time champion of the TPLF party – since its guerrilla time to be exact – and its position about the current internal problem is, as expressed by  the special envoy, “whatever the cause of the division,” it has to be resolved peacefully. 


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  1. Now it is gonna be the game ‘who is in first?’ Which one is going to show up first in Mogadishu? In Al-Qahirah all seats are sold out and Muammar Gaddafi is not around so you can tell him ‘We Tigres are also Arabs’. Assad has his hands full already and Saddam was long gone. Hurry up the seat waiting for you in Mogadishu will be snatched away by your old buddy OLA or the new kid on the block Fano. One more thing. You remember what you did in Afar Region during the recent bloodletting in 2020-2022? ICC may be coming for you about that. Hurry up!!!

  2. What happened to the Tigray and where Amhara region was not merely tribalism but we need peace and unity. On the other end of concerns are Africa destabilization plans to stop Ethiopia’s progress or even threatens her sovereignty.

    Al-Qaeda link groups are progressively getting worse and closer to Ethiopia. If Somali Civil War spills over into Ethiopia, well that’s what we don’t want at all. Ethiopia will help it’s neighbors hand from their enemies. Ethiopia government leaders should apologize for the civil war and forgive, it is just that simple. Do you see what is happening in Palestine or in Sudan, or again Somali or in several places were the economy is crisis due to foriegners on soil committing war crimes in terrorism.

    This is what we are saying we should avoid. This lack of unity makes us vulnerable to destability.

  3. Al qaida is now the new imaginary campaign slogan for oromuma extremists and their acolytes to distract from the real issue at hand, which is Abiy’s disastrous failure of governance and collapse of the rule of law and national nstitutions I guess. I don’t think that trick would be useful and work anymore at this point.

  4. Shhhhh!!! This is between the ‘Gold Race’. The rest of us are some kind of rusty stuff and not qualified to talk about the ‘Gold Race’ because we all are below their elevated station. So, zip it!!!
    Who used to let the sun rise and set in Ethiopia?
    The Gold Race! It has been nights only since 2018
    Who is the regulator of Mother Nature?
    The Gold Race. It has been either too much rain or no rain since they left town.
    Who created Oromos and Amharas?
    The Gold Race!

    I better stop here, otherwise, you folks will be crying so much that you will be swept away by your own river of tears.


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