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HomeEthiopian NewsTPLF political crisis taking a new turn , peace not in the...

TPLF political crisis taking a new turn , peace not in the air 

TPLF _ Ethiopian news
Debretsion Gebremicael – TPLF chairman (Photo : PD)


Toronto – The political crisis the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has been facing is entering a new stage. After completing the 14th Congress, the Debretsion faction is appearing more emboldened to openly pursue retaking political power in Tigray. 

In a statement to reporters, Debretsion on Thursday stated that Getachew Reda  – who is currently president of the Interim Tigray Administration – and other officials who are now purged from the TPLF can not hold power. He is clear about it that “TPLF” – he meant to refer to the faction he is leading – has to take the regional government power. 

He argued that the TPLF has a 50 plus representation during the power arrangement in the Interim Tigray Administration which is the offshoot  of the Pretoria Agreement. Getachew and other executives who are now removed from the party – as per the Debretsion faction, can no longer hold power representing TPLF, he argued. In fact, Getachew was the deputy chairperson of the TPLF until the Debretsion faction removed him last week and replaced him with Amanuel Assefa. The 14th congress elected 45 central committee members and nine executives. 

Debretsion also talked about, during his presser, that the TPLF will need to talk with what he called partners within the Interim Tigray administration. The need to talk to the Federal government is also highlighted in his statement. 

The Federal government and the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) are of the view that the 14th TPLF Congress is illegal. 

In the case of NEBE, it has already made it clear that it will not accept decisions from what the TPLF called the 14th congress ; which means including the removal of Getachew Reda. 

It was well before the congress that Getachew Reda accused the TPLF faction of having intention to usurp power in Mekelle. 

As Debretsion’s faction is making a clear move to snatch power, the Getachew administration is vowing to take action. The situation is leading to tension and could potentially involve the armed group.   There appears to be an effort to avert that division within the TPLF from affecting the armed forces. 

The TPLF has admitted that it has over 270,000 armed combatants and the NEBE registered the party as a legal one. 

The Federal government has not made an official statement after the TPLF completed its congress. 


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  1. The disagreement within the TPLF is not of interest to the citizens of Tigeray. What they demand is referendum and formalization and legalization of independence as soon as possible, Tigray is an ancient nation and must leave the Ethiopian empire which is disintegrating and heading to chaos.. But independent Tigray should continue to ensure the security of fledgling nations like Oromia. Oromia is the gift of Tigray to the Oromo people and bridge between Tigray and the oromos.

  2. “Who’s going to tell Fannos fighters that the job they are currently seeking might just be one of those Oromo jobs’?” Gemechu asked the recalcitrant Fanno members in Toronto.

    የትግራይ ቤተመንግሥት ወንበሮች በተለይም ዶክተር ደብረፅዮን ይቀመጥበት የነበረውን ዙፋን በግራዋ ይታጠብ ፥፥ግራዋ እንደ ዶክተሩ ያሉ አምባገነን ሥልጣን አልጠግብ ባዮችን ማሥጣያ ያገለግላል፥፥ፍቱን መድሀኒት ነው፥፥

    ግራዋ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የሚገኝ ተክል ነው። ግራዋ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ባህላዊ መጠጦችን ከማዘጋጀታቸው በፊት ለዕቃ ማጠቢያነት ያገለግላል። ለምሳሌ ጠላ፣ጠጅ ከማዘጋጀታቸው በፊት እቃወቹ በግራዋ ቅጠል ይታጠባሉ። ከዚህች በተጨማሪ ሰዎች ለቁርባ በሽታ፣ ለሆድ ቁርጠት እንደ መድሃኒት ይጠቀሙበታል ።የግራዋ ጥቅም

    Dr. Debrestion and his supporters depict themselves as special elite endowed with distinctive in-born capabilities that exceptionally entitle them to the throne while relegating others to the status of ordinary, docile subjects. It may be wise for them to seek medical attention. It is saddening to see Tigray fall under the control of gangs like these ones.
    May Almighty God grant Tigray a narrow escape from the ongoing predicament! Amen

  3. The purpose of this law is to ban the activities of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine “which is an instrument of Russian influence and propaganda” according to Mykyta Poturaiev, a Ukrainian member of Parliament who sponsored the bill.
    “The Moscow Patriarchate is not an inspiration but a participant in the war,” Poturaiev said.
    The Russian Orthodox Church is an autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church with an estimated 150 million members, accounting for more than half of the world’s Orthodox Christians. 
    The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has had a centuries-long affiliation with the Russian Orthodox Church. Three months after Russia’s invasion in 2022, the UOC declared its “full self-sufficiency and independence” from Moscow, and it has repeatedly declared its loyalty and called on members to fight for Ukraine as a sacred duty.
    The Orthodox Church of Ukraine broke from the Russian church more than 30 years ago, and answers to a prelate in Kyiv, but many parishes in Ukraine opted to remain aligned with the Russian church.
    The majority of Ukrainians are Orthodox. For centuries, Ukrainian churches were subordinate to and administered by the Moscow Patriarchate. But with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine’s Orthodox churches split. In 2019, the spiritual leader of the Orthodox world Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople officially recognized an independent Kyiv-based Orthodox Church of Ukraine. For the leader of Ukraine’s Kyiv-based church Metropolitan Epiphanius, the law provides an opportunity “to protect the Ukrainian spiritual space from the yoke of the Russian world.” Outside a UOC church in Kyiv, a 47-year-old parishioner said recent moves against his church were stifling. “The government is now creeping into my soul. It is up to me to decide how I pray. They have gone completely crazy,” the parishioner – who refused to give his name for fear of reprisal – told CNN.
    Ihor, a Ukrainian officer, used to worship in the UOC but said he has stopped going to church altogether.
    While he doesn’t think politics should get involved with religion, he acknowledges “there are many priests in Ukrainian Orthodox Church who support Russia and war in Ukraine. For this they must answer for before God.”
    According to a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) in April 2024, 83% of Ukrainians believed that the state should intervene in the activities of the UOC to one degree or another. In particular, 63% believe that Ukrainian Orthodox Church should be completely banned in Ukraine.

    “It’s rare in law to find a bill so contemptuous of legal standards as this bill,” attorney Robert Amsterdam, whose firm is based in Washington and London, said in an interview. “We will go to every court we can. We will go to the United Nations.”
    Amsterdam called the measure “religious cleansing.” He insisted that the new law makes it impossible for the UOC to defend itself because it targets any religious organization that the Russian Orthodox Church claims, in its own governing documents, to control. Amsterdam said the UOC can’t control what’s in the ROC charter.
    He noted the bill also targets any religious organization whose “authorized persons” are convicted for crimes against Ukraine’s security. He said that amounts to illegal “collective punishment” against an entire church and its believers for the alleged actions of its leaders.
    The Ukrainian bill also prohibits any religious organization promoting the “Russian world” ideology.
    Sources :Abc News, Catholicnewsagency, Cnn,


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