June 21,2018
Colonel Goshu Wolde, undoubtedly one of the remarkable figure in Ethiopian politics in the post revolutionary Ethiopia, is speaking out after decades of silence. Among other things, he served as a minister for education and foreign affairs minister of Ethiopia
In an audio message release on SBS Amharic, colonel Goshu said the reason he broke his silence is to express his support to Abiy Ahmed’s administration and call up on his Ethiopian friends to do the same.
He described the new Ethiopian prime minister as farsighted, eloquent, courageous and visionary and that he deserves the support of all Ethiopians.
Noting that the new prime minister’s ideas in a range of area are not developed in to a policy initiative, Colonel Goshu hailed what the new prime minister achieved in a matter of few months.
He also seem to believe that the prime minister inspired the psychology of Ethiopians for democracy and change. Take a listed to the Amharic audio below.
Audio : Embeded from SBS Amahric.
Cover photo: screenshot from the audio clip.
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There was once a time when many Ethiopians, myself included, thought that Colonel Goshu might stand with the people of Ethiopia as they desperately sought an end to the nightmare that is TPLF rule. So many hoped that he will help lead the country out of the wilderness. Regrettably Goshu turned out to be no more than a self-serving opportunist who sought to ride the anger of the Ethiopian people and the struggle of so many to get to Menilik’s palace. He sabotaged and helped to destroy so many initiatives, some of which held real possibilities of growing to be strong challengers to the dark regime in Addis.
But the creator loves Ethiopia and in spite of Goshu’s ill intent, we are the dawn of a great future for our shared country.