February 24, 2018
Speaking in Tigrigna language the audio clip below is one of TPLF’s key man, Abay Tsehaye. Achamyeleh Tamiru, a relentless and bright Ethiopian activist, translated and shared the clip on his page. According to his translation, Abay Tsehaye is ranting that the idea of resource federal allocation on the basis of the demographic figure of regions will only happen over a dead body of his party.That leaves us with the question of equity or “ፍትሃዊ ተጠቃሚነት” members of the ruling coalition call it. Clearly, the explicit message is that TPLF intends to continue to pursue achieving an economic goal for its political support base, which is Tigray, at the expense of the rest of Ethiopia. And it is possible to speak with a profound sense of certitude that that TPLF fundamentalism will be met with perhaps an even more unprecedented opposition and complicate the situation in Ethiopia further.
Audio source: the page of Achamyeleh Tamiru
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