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HomeLatestAtaye massacre investigation launched, say the regional authority

Ataye massacre investigation launched, say the regional authority

Ethiopian Federal and regional authorities will jointly undertake the investigation

Ataye Investigation _ Ethiopia
Geremew Gebretsadik, Amhara region Attorney General (Photo : EBC)


An investigation team is dispatched to Ataye, Amhara Region Attorney General office announced on Wednesday. 

The spatial scope of the investigation includes all those areas in North Shoa that were affected by days of orchestrated massacre by armed groups whom regional and federal authorities describe as “Oromo Liberation Front -Shane.” 

According to a report by state media, EBC, the team is drawn from the Federal Police, Amhara region attorney general office and from police commission in the region. 

There seems to an understanding at the regional government level that what they describe as “conflict” was not an ordinary one. 

Geremew Gebretsadik, Amhara region Attorney General, said, as reported by EBC, ” the destruction, loss of lives, destruction of property  and displacement of people indicates that it was not an ordinary conflict. It is a crime that destroyed a city built for a long time.” 

A Joint investigation team from different levels of government came up with a plan and directions to implement it, it was said. 

No specific time limit is given as to when the investigation will be completed. However, Mr. Geremew said that it will be completed within a short period of time and those who are responsible for it will be held accountable. 

Furthermore, he said that the outcome will be announced to the public. 

What is known so far is that those who unleashed the attack were well-trained, well armed and organized , according to federal and regional level government authorities. 

Citizen reports emerging in social media claim that the attackers had backings from groups within the Federal and regional government structure. Without admitting anything about it, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed led prosperity party pledged to clean its structures from double agents. 

Meanwhile, the Command Post assigned to resolve security crises in parts of North Shoa and parts of South Wollo said on Wednesday that normalcy is restored to the region. 

Ethiopian News Agency quoted Let. General Desta Abiche, who is described as coordinator, as saying that the Command Post ” was undertaking the task of identifying those who are responsible for the attack.” 

He claimed that criminal activities in the region are now arrested, and effort is underway to return those who are displaced from towns affected by the attack. 


Topics : Ataye, Investigation

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