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Valor in the Capital: The Echoing Impact of Three Brave Fanos on Ethiopia’s Political Landscape

Valor Fano Addis Ababa
The three fanos who undertook an operation in Addis Ababa. (Photo : SM)

By Sisay Mulu (Amoraw)

In the heart of Ethiopia, amidst the bustling streets of Addis Ababa, a tale of resilience and resistance unfolds as the Amhara Fano freedom fighters continue their enduring battle for liberty and justice. On April 12, 2024, three courageous Fano Freedom Fighters took a bold stand against government security forces, marking a poignant chapter in their struggle. This clash was more than a confrontation; it was a declaration of the enduring spirit of a people fighting for their rightful freedoms. As we reflect on this recent event, it becomes clear that the Fano valiant quest for a just Ethiopia deserves our attention and support.”

The bold and courageous actions undertaken by Nahusenay Andarge, Abenezer Getachew, and Habtamu Andarge, three valiant Fano Freedom Fighters, resonate deeply with some of the most pivotal moments in history. Their bravery mirrors the transformative power inherent in singular acts of valor, which have historically ignited significant social and political revolutions. These moments serve as poignant reminders of the remarkable impact a few individuals can have, as their bravery becomes the beacon that guides countless others toward meaningful change. Across borders and generations, their courage inspires widespread movements and fosters lasting transformation. 

During the Arab Spring, a poignant example of such an act was the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia in December 2010. Bouazizi’s desperate protest against the confiscation of his fruit cart by local authorities and the humiliation he suffered became a symbol of the systemic corruption and injustice faced by ordinary citizens. His act ignited the fury of a suppressed populace, catalyzing a wave of protests that ultimately toppled long-standing dictators across the Arab world. His story illustrated how personal grievance, when it resonates with the collective experience of injustice, can mobilize communities to action, leading to revolutionary change.

Similarly, the historical episode involving Abraham Deboch and Moges Asegdom during the Italian occupation of Ethiopia serves as another profound example. In 1937, these two young Ethiopian heroes carried out a bold attempt to assassinate the Italian Viceroy, Rodolfo Graziani, an act intended to strike at the heart of the oppressive foreign regime. Though the immediate assassination attempt failed, the boldness of their action became a beacon of resistance against foreign domination and galvanized the Ethiopian patriotic resistance movement. Their courage became a testament to the indomitable spirit of a colonized nation striving for autonomy and respect.

In drawing parallels between these historical acts and the recent Fano operation in Addis Ababa, it becomes evident that the Fano freedom fighters are not just participants in a local grievance but are part of a larger historical narrative of resistance against tyranny. The significance of their actions in the capital, amidst a context of heightened security and global visibility, challenges the narrative of governmental control and brings international attention to the Amhara Fano cause. Just as Bouazizi became a symbol for the Arab Spring and Deboch and Asegdom epitomized Ethiopian resistance, the Three Fano freedom fighters’ recent engagement in Addis Ababa may well symbolize a pivotal turn in the Amhara struggle for justice and freedom. 

Unmasking the Genocidal War Against the Amhara

The audacious action taken by the three Fano freedom fighters serves as a tender revelation of the obscured, ongoing genocidal war waged against the Amhara people by Abiy Ahmed. This brutal war, though veiled in silence and often overlooked by mainstream narratives, was brought into the glaring spotlight on the streets where Ethiopia’s elite roam. The Fano strategic decision to target such a high-security zone not only underscores the severity of their struggle but also vehemently challenges the frequently sanitized accounts offered by both the Ethiopian government and various international entities.

The gravity of the Amhara plight is often muted in public discourse, yet here, amidst the symbols of governmental power and international diplomacy, Fano’s stark message could not be ignored. Their operation was not just an act of resistance; it was a desperate cry for recognition and a call to action. It boldly asserts the existence of systematic genocidal war so severe that it drives the oppressed to stake everything in search of justice. By choosing such a symbolic location for their confrontation, the Fano ensure that the narrative of Amhara persecution reaches the ears of the global community, demanding a reevaluation of both the war’s nature and the international response to it.

This maneuver not only exposed the hidden layers of war on Amhara but also served to remind the world of the urgent, dire nature of Amhara’s circumstances. It articulated a clear message: the Amhara people are not merely caught in a political dispute but are fighting a battle for their very survival against decades of genocidal violence—a struggle that necessitates and justifies the call for international attention and intervention. 

The Illusion of Security in Addis Ababa 

Addis Ababa stands as a beacon of relative stability in Ethiopia, which has been caught in the throes of political and social upheaval under Abiy’s premiership. As the host city to the African Union and numerous foreign embassies, it projects an image of peace and diplomatic engagement that belies the simmering tensions beyond its borders. However, the recent audacious attack by the Fano freedom fighters has cast a stark light on this facade, revealing cracks in what is considered Ethiopia’s most secure enclave.

By staging such a daring operation right in the heart of Ethiopia’s capital, the Fano strategically amplified their message to an international audience, ensuring that the world’s eyes were watching. This not only brought global attention to the Amhara cause but also questioned the effectiveness of Abiy’s regime control over a geopolitically important country in the Horn of Africa region. In a city that serves as the diplomatic hub of Africa, the implications of this attack resonate far beyond its immediate aftermath, challenging the credibility of the government on the world stage. This audacious act by Amhara Fano not only disrupts the perceived tranquility of Addis Ababa but also serves as a powerful statement against the regime’s capacity to govern effectively. 

The implications of this security lapse are manifold and alarming. Firstly, it undermines the already fragile trust in the government’s ability to uphold safety, a fundamental pillar of governance stability in Addis Ababa. The breach, particularly within a supposedly secure zone, instills fear and doubt among both domestic and international communities with ties to Ethiopia. Secondly, this incident directly questions the reliability and potency of the regime’s security framework. In a world where stability is paramount, can Africa or the world afford to overlook the implications of vulnerability at the heart of Ethiopia’s defense and administration? If the core can be so easily compromised, what guarantee do we have for the safety of more vulnerable regions? Consider the ripple effect the security crisis could have on the already precarious stability of the Horn of Africa. For decades, Ethiopia has stood as a beacon of stability in the region. Yet, under the leadership of Abiy Ahmed, it is a liability—an impending crisis waiting to unfold. It’s time to recognize the urgency of the situation and take decisive action to safeguard not only Ethiopia but also the entire Horn of Africa region.

Furthermore, the ramifications of this event resonate far beyond mere security apprehensions; they profoundly challenge the essence of governance itself. This scenario prompts pivotal inquiries regarding the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, whose tenure has been overshadowed by a series of conflicts, ethnic purges, genocides, and widespread suffering. The declaration underscores the pressing imperative to confront six years of leadership deficiencies in Ethiopia, advocating fervently for remedies that do not hinge on the involvement of Abiy Ahmed. It firmly attributes the current upheaval to his governance and asserts that a viable trajectory for Ethiopia’s future must chart a course devoid of his leadership.

Echoes in the Capital and Beyond

In a bold defiance of the narrative of calm and order, Fano’s recent operation in Addis Ababa resonates deeply, exposing cracks in the facade of stability upheld by the government. The capital, often portrayed as a bastion of peace amidst the nation’s turmoil, was thought to be untouched by the unrest that shadows much of Ethiopia. However, this daring act by the Fano underscores a profound message: nowhere is beyond the reach of conflict, not even the seat of national power.

This strategic choice to target Addis Ababa is a masterstroke in the Fano campaign. It is a loud, clear declaration that the issues affecting the Amharas are not contained to the Amhara region but are pervasive, seeping into the very heart of Ethiopia’s administrative and diplomatic core. The impact of Fano’s operation is not just local but global, drawing the eyes of international observers and diplomats residing in the capital. It serves as a critical wake-up call to both national leaders and international stakeholders that the narrative of peace in Ethiopia is not as seamless as it appears. It marks a pivotal moment, challenging Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his allies to face the undeniable strength and determination of Fano. This group’s unyielding resolve is now at the very doorstep of Arat Kilo, signaling a critical juncture. It’s time for the leadership to recognize and address the formidable force of Fano’s commitment to their cause.

 The recent operation by Amhara Fano marks a pivotal moment for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his associates, who now face the unyielding determination of Fano as they advance their cause to the very heart of Arat Kilo. It’s high time for Abiy Ahmed to recognize a fundamental truth: no leader has ever successfully quelled a movement that is truly by the people, for the people, and of the people. The Amhara Fano are steadfast in their commitment—they will not relent until their demands are fully acknowledged and a genuine government of the people is established. This is not merely a challenge; it is a clarion call for transformative leadership, justice, and freedom for all.

A Catalyst for Change

The audacious operation executed by three Fano freedom fighters in the bustling heart of Addis Ababa is far more than a mere skirmish in Ethiopia’s troubled narrative; it is a resounding declaration about the grave crisis gripping the nation. This bold act not only underscores the dire circumstances under which the Amhara people have been compelled to fight but also issues a powerful plea to the global community to recognize and confront the obscured genocidal war that they endure. In the broader canvas of Ethiopian politics, where narratives are tightly controlled, and dissent often suppressed, the actions of these Fano freedom fighters pierce through the facade of normalcy that Addis Ababa typically projects. By bringing their struggle into the very enclaves of power, they challenge not just the state’s physical security measures but also the moral and political legitimacy of the current leadership.

As the dust settles on this daring encounter, the ramifications are likely to reverberate far beyond the immediate aftermath. This could very well be the moment that catalyzes a significant transformation within the wider public in Addis Ababa’s movement, encouraging a more concerted and widespread resistance against injustices. The time has come for a critical examination of governance under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in Ethiopia. For the past six years, his leadership has witnessed a disturbing surge in hate, division, and genocidal conflicts. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to these alarming trends.

It is imperative that the international community engages in deep introspection and takes resolute action to steer Ethiopia back on course towards peace, justice, and reconciliation. The stakes could not be higher, and the urgency for action is undeniable.

Editor’s note : Views in the article do not necessarily reflect the views of


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  1. Human lives are precious but losing it without purpose is painful. This writer want us to believe what these three young men did is equivalent to that of Abrham Deboch and Co. What was their target and mission? Is urban guerrilla combat modus operandi of ” Fano?” I don’t want to believe this but what was tried feels that way. Addis is very diverse city and no single group is dominant, thus, it would be unsuitable for the kind of terrorists activities attempted by these young Fanos.
    I hope balanced assessment of the event would be more informative than making mountains out of mole hills.

  2. Delusional. No wonder your name is Amoraw (in search of carrion). You might as well be encouraging suicide bombing. Violence is not going to solve anyone’s problem. It is sad to see young lives cut short for stupidity-cum-valor! You and your likes are merchants of blood-letting from your hideout in a foreign country. Fan-No is belligerence, ignorance, and no different from Tplf/Shenee.

    • Delusional as is,

      He said “The Echoing Impact of Three Brave Fanos on Ethiopia’s Political Landscape”

      As if they completely closed Addis Ababa for a few days :)

      These are young people with lack of knowledge in everything and they ended up losing their life for immature attempt.
      They are so naïve they use a cell phone managed and operated by the government they are fighting when they commit a crime :)

      Feyel wedeh kezemzem wedeya ale yagere sew….

  3. You are entirely correct. Their lives were cut short, which is tragic. The writer is inciting more acts of terrorism. Attempting in vain to draw parallels between two unrelated, utterly distinct instances in order to achieve political advantage.
    Prolific writer Mr. Amoraw, please do not incite a terrorist attack on our soil. Are you ethiopian ? your name looks ethiopic ???


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