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HomeEthiopian VideoDr. Dereje Zeleke's latest interview; speaks about current Ethiopian politics like it...

Dr. Dereje Zeleke’s latest interview; speaks about current Ethiopian politics like it is

August 28, 2019

Dr. Dereje Zeleke, a legal scholar by profession, is arguably the most straight forward commentator on Ethiopian politics.

Like many Ethiopians, he tends to be critical about the”change” in Ethiopia, not that he is against change but because he thinks that there is no enough of it.

Below is his latest interview (in Amharic). Watch it.

Video: embedded from Abbay Media Youtube channel
Cover photo: screenshot from the video

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  1. Add your comment
    if the next election is conducted in next year the opposition will lose because they cannot go to every corner of the country to organize people due to local ruling members contain/ban the opposition movement.
    On the other hand if the election is prolonged then our oppression and misery will be continued by the ruling of eprdf.
    The best solution is to create a transitional coalition government consisting all concerned ones for 2 years chaired by turn for three months between opposition and curren ruling front


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