Source – Negere Ethiopia
December 11,2014
All members of Semayawi party who were arrested last Saturday while trying to hold a peaceful demonstration at Mesqel Squar are reportedly released a source close to the party, Negere Ethiopia, reported.
Negere Ethiopia also shared pictures of tortured members on social media.
Wearing the hand woven Gabi, the Chairman of the party Yilkal Getnet looks fatigued.
No detail is available so far on the terms of the release. However, released members of Semayawi party vow to continue with pursuit of constitutional freedom to have a peaceful demonstration to demand a fair and free election.
Following the death of Meles Zenawi, there was a little bit of opening to make peaceful demonstration and many hoped things would change for the better only to learn in month that the ruling party has actually become an outright tyranny with no tolerance for free press and divergent opinion, and no commitment to observe the very constitution it brags about.