Home News Chief administrator’s rescue call for Amhara Region

Chief administrator’s rescue call for Amhara Region

Yilkal Kefale, head of the Amhara region of Ethiopia (Photo : file/AMC)

By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – The Amhara Regional Council held its meeting in an unprecedented manner behind closed doors for the last three consecutive days. Sources said that members raised serious questions on the current peace and security issues of the Region.  

The people’s representatives and members of the council said on the course of the meeting that “there are certain elements that work day and night to undermine the Amhara people”.

They said that in order to solve the instability problem the region is currently facing, the regional administration must do self-review and reform itself.

The council members said that “unless the Region fixes the structural problems and reforms itself in a transparent manner, it will not be possible to meet public demand”.

The members said that the fighting being witnessed in every area is weakening the people of the Region. The Regional State should have not allowed the Defense Force to intervene and get engaged in fighting, the people’s representatives said  

Responding to the questions forwarded to him by members, chief administrator of the Region, Yilikal Kefale called up all to save the Region.  

He said that all should build problem solving capacity. Yilikal also proposed a discussion with no limitation to be organized among five members of the Zonal council with the involvement of religious fathers, elders, intellectuals and influential people.

The President of the Region called for discussion to be held within ten days and thereby resolve the issues at every Wereda, Zonal, and Regional levels.

His administration, prioritizing the peace option, created an opportunity for discussions to be held in Shewa, Wollo, Gojjam and Gondar.

The region has been experiencing fighting, roadblocks and public protest since the deployment of the Defense Forces in various areas, the news source indicated.

It is to be recalled that Chief of Defense Staff, Field Marshal Birhanu Jula commented in connection with lack of peace in the Amhara Region that “the Region is paralyzed.”

Following the comment the Defense forces have engaged themselves in fighting with Fano militants in various parts of the Region.

Though various political forces have called on, from the beginning, that the conflict between the government and the armed group should be resolved through discussion and negotiation, fighting has been going on in different parts of the Region. 


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  1. The council members agreed to dismantle fanno and put all in cages and destroy th rest radical fanno together with ENDF .

    Fannos are robbers, killers , iconoclasts, & desecrators of religious artifacts .

  2. It is not possible to reform Amhara PP, not at all, the only thing for it to do is to dissolve itself.

    If Amhara PP does that, it would be doing a great service to the region, for once.

    Amhara PP is the slave of Oromo PP, and the instrument by which Oromo PP, OLA, OLF enslave and beat Amharas.

    Do not trust anything Beaden or Amhara PP does, it is only doing what it has been told to do by Abiy Ahmed.

    Beaden is a servant to the killers of the Amhara, Beaden is the instrument by which Amharas are made 2nd, 3rd Citizens in their own country.

    It is thanks to Beaden, Amhara has less right than refugees from Sudan, and Somalia.

    The Amhara and their Fano have began a device struggle, this time there is no turning back, and they would be victorious.

    What Beaden is doing now is trying to stop the Amhara struggle, on the orders of Abiy Ahmed, ODP – by extension OLF.

    If one compares enemies, the enemy from within, helping the outside enemy to inflict suffering on you is the worse.

    That is Beaden.

    Beaden would be dead, it is already dead! Amhara people would get their right respected, Fano would be Victorious!


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