Home Ethiopian News Two influential Oromo political parties agreed to unite

Two influential Oromo political parties agreed to unite


ODF and ODP, an influential ethnic Oromo political parties have agreed to unite as one party

Oromo parties _ ODF _ ODP
ODF and ODP leaders
Photo : FBC

November 28,2018

Oromo Democratic Party, the party governing Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia whose chairman is Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, reached agreement with Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) to unite and work as a single party.

Leaders of the latter party are among pioneers of Oromo ethno-nationalist political movement and were among the founders of what is now a radical ethno-nationalist party, Oromo Liberation Front. They returned to Ethiopia after decades of exile life in Europe and elsewhere.

When the agreement is fully completed, it may mean that leaders of ODF could have government positions, at least in the regional government structure as was the case for some members of former OLF factions (Gen. Kemal Gelchu,Gen. Hailu Gonfa and Colonel Abebe Geresu) who were hired in the security apparatus.

Lemma Megersa, president of Oromo regional state of Ethiopia, and Lenco Letta, leader of Oromo Democratic Front, signed memorandum of understanding today to unite and work as one party, according to reports by Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC.)

Lemma, who is also vice-chairman of ODP, is cited by FBC as saying that the two parties have their own history and impact in the history of Ethiopian politics, and underscored that other political parties need to come together to help foster the ongoing change and build democratic system rather than becoming a reason for division and disintegration of the country. Lemma also unveiled that his party is having a talk with other parties to achieve similar political results.

Lencho on on his part said that other political parties need to emulate the examples of ODF and ODP, according to a report by FBC.

ODP and OLF had been exchanging war of words following the latter’s refusal to disarm its combatants in some parts of the region but they recently reached agreement to resolve their differences through peaceful means.

Ethiopian opposition parties, including Oromo Liberation Front, held a meeting with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed yesterday and discussed about the next election, among other things.

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