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5th Global Takaful and Re-Takaful Forum will be hosted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Islamic Banking

Islamic Banking

5th Edition of Global Takaful and Re-takaful forum will be hosted by AlHuda CIBE in association with Ethiopian Reinsurance; Muhammad Zubair

Press Release 

Dubai, UAE – 5th Edition of Global Takaful and Re-takaful forum has been rescheduled to 23rd November 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The objective of this conference is to create awareness about takaful and its significance for the risk management of human life and financial institutions through Shariah legitimate modes. Takaful is a very important pillar for the development Islamic finance industry. AlHuda CIBE is playing an active role for the growth of Takaful Industry in Asia, Africa and CIS region. This forum will create a platform for the industry players to share their experiences and best practices. This forum will also be celebrating awards among the Takaful industry best practices globally. This event will be hosted in collaboration with Ethiopian Reinsurance and supported by Organization of Eastern and Southern Africa Insurers, Association of Tanzania Insurers, National Insurance Authority Somaliland, and Insurance Training Collage Uganda. 

The agenda of the forum based on present day practices of takaful industry, takaful portfolio, product line, product innovation, marketing strategies, risk management, actuarial services, Shariah legitimacy, future prospects of the industry and re-takaful. It will also be followed by two days’ Post Event Workshop on Operational aspects of Interest-Free (Islamic) Banking, Finance, Takaful and Micro-Takaful on 24th and 25th November 2023. The post event workshop is a value addition for the capacity building related to the Islamic finance industry practices. 

Muhammad Zubair Mughal Chief Executive Officer AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics said about the rescheduling of the dates for the forum and venue is happened due to unforeseen challenges regarding visas of many expected delegates from Africa. 5th edition of Global Takaful and Re-Takaful will be jointly hosted by Ethiopian Reinsurance and AlHuda CIBE. He also mentioned the reason behind choosing Ethiopia, that Ethiopian Interest Free banking is a role module for the countries those are facing challenge for religious based critics. Here Ethiopian financial industry is an example that Islamic Finance is the combination of economic and social financial practice for the development and it is for all. 

Mr. Dawit G. Amanuel Chief Executive Officer said about the forum that Ethiopian Re is dedicated to develop the Takaful and the Re-Takaful market in Ethiopia and in the African continent. The forum will also strengthen the local Takaful industry in Ethiopia. Furthermore, other regional markets would also be benefited by the initiative taken by the Ethiopian Reinsurance, for regional integration. He also added some brief about the operational activities of Ethiopian Re with in the domestic market and according to situation in international market as well. Ethiopian Re is playing a significant role for the industry support or settlement of claims and premium management, and cash management etc. through its stable positioning.

This is the 5th edition of Global Takaful and Re-Takaful Forum, from last 4 years AlHuda CIBE is organizing this Forum with kind support of industry players. We are pleased to invite to insurance, and takaful industry to participate in this forum. AlHuda CIBE has specialized working arm Takaful Consultancy Wing for the consultancy and advisory of institutional set-up as window operation within classical insurance company, full-fledge takaful company set-up, and transformation of classical company to takaful company, business plan and feasibility study, market research and product development, capacity building and global networking. 

About AlHuda CIBE:

AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) is a well-recognized name in Islamic banking and finance industry for research and provides state-of-the-art Advisory Consultancy and Education through various well-recognized modes viz. Islamic Financial Product Development, Shariah Advisory, Training Workshops, and Islamic Microfinance and Takaful Consultancies etc. side by side through our distinguished, generally acceptable and known Publications in Islamic Banking and Finance.

We are dedicated to serving the community as a unique institution, advisory and capacity building for the last twelve years. The prime goal has always been to remain stick to the commitments providing Services not only in UAE/Pakistan but all over the world. We have so far served in more than 35 Countries for the development of Islamic Banking and Finance industry. For further Details about AlHuda CIBE, please visit:


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