Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeOpinionBetween the Dead Fish and the Fishing Rod

Between the Dead Fish and the Fishing Rod

Credit : Marcus Butt/Getty Images (Source : NPR)

By Samuel Estefanous

The other day right after a board meeting at a trading company was wrapped up the chairman begged all present if they could spare a few minutes and wanted to know point blank if the suspension of USAID operation in Africa isn’t a blessing in disguise.

For the most part, the Company is affiliated with beverage manufacturers and it has nothing to do with the aid industry yet everybody was super excited to share opinions on the subject brokered by the chairman. President Trump’s DoGE must have forced many in Africa to do some serious soul searching. 

As if on cue, all expressed their common view that the principal if not the only beneficiaries of the aid industry are the Lords of Poverty with the few exceptions of those engaged in the health and education sector.  Coupled with the curses of the social media, indeed the aid culture has permeated and has crippled everyday lives of the society that in the near future it wouldn’t be unusual to seek sponsors to celebrate kids’ birthdays in grand style. 

I don’t think folks who have got issues with the aid industry are so simple minded as to rule out the benefits of economic bailouts.  Who forgets the miraculous recovery of Western Europe after WWII had reduced major economies to rubbles through the Marshall Plan? Did the Marshall Plan herald the beginning of the American era? It might have but it sure provided the seed money desperately needed for the economies to bounce back.  How long did it take European economies to leapfrog from the state of near total collapse to labor starving manufacturing heartthrobs of the world?  Less than two decades!  Here in Africa aid has kept us in a state of perpetual stagnation for a full century.     

1-Where is my Money, Dude?

Occasionally we hear old folks on talk shows reminiscing about Harry Truman’s Point Four -the equivalent of the Marshall Plan for Africa- programs launched to improve the living standards of developing countries through extending technical assistance in the fields of agriculture, education, health and infrastructure.  World class plant geneticist, Professor G.Ejeta, lauds Point Four program as an enduring testimony of successful developmental partnership with the people and government of America.  The Embassy here also celebrates the legacy, perhaps regretting not having any similar meaningful programs these days except ‘promoting and sponsoring extensive human right awareness and justice reform programs’.  (Who would blame it? These programs swallow up a chunk of the aid money like a pitiless sinkhole yet year after year the human rights record of the country is going from bad to worse. I don’t even want to talk about the justice sector reforms except making reference to the frustrations of the Premier himself expressed in brutally honest language).  

That the technical assistance programs weren’t extended out of the ‘bottomless generosity’ of the government of the United States goes without saying. Among others, back then Ethiopia was hosting the US Communication base at Kagnew. This becomes more evident in a recently de-classified CIA memorandum analyzing the impacts of the Imperial government’s economic assistance agreement with the Soviet Union in 1959 to the tune of 400 million rubles.  The Centenarian statesman Dejazmatch Woldsemayat also gives an impressive expert opinion on the significance of this substantial aid by the Soviet Union to Ethiopia after the Emperor was rudely spurned by the Americans. Those were palpable development assistance visibly and positively impacting lives well into the 21th century. 

There are a handful other isolated examples of enduring development partnerships, no doubt about that, however other than that Ethiopia has nothing to show for the annual 1.4 billion dollar in aid money it regularly gets from the government and people of America.

And President Trump and his right hand man Musk are demanding ‘Where is our money?’  We don’t have an agricultural College to exhibit unlike in the case of the Point Four Programs, all the tarmacs are Chinese if not native, we could name a few orphanages and boarding schools but for the most they are financed by private donors, the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are in the forefront of running primary health care programs catering for the needy and in the fight against easily transmittable infectious diseases. 

So Trump has every right to demand where is my 1.4 billion dollar is gone? Is it rerouted back to America through the bank accounts of the Aid Marshals?  Is it lost in the deep pockets of the posh gated communities in the country? 

2- Feeding Africa as a Benevolent Guardian 

I don’t know why but it looks like I am beginning to have a visible dislike of stand up comedians bordering on aversion. I mean they do and say anything to evoke laughter from their audiences; in the process they don’t even spare their parents and offspring. I had the bad luck to chance on a YouTube video featuring one such insensitive brute. He randomly singles out-may be not so randomly- a young lady in the audience and inquires where she is from. The woman timidly says ‘Ethiopia’ and right away the man begins hurling accusations at the poor girl. ‘You people have spoilt our childhood. Because of the harrowing TV footage showing the famine back in your country, our childhood was made miserable.’  To say I was livid is an understatement. I swear to God it felt like I was the one in the middle of the audience begging the floor to swallow me up. 

At its own reckoning Nature does unleash its fury on all people and at any place of its choice. We have our periodic drought and famine and others suffer the brutal monsoon floods, the hurricane, the tsunami or the wild fire. Famine is a disgrace I know but the thing is I haven’t seen any hardy and resilient people as the drought prone natives of the Northern provinces. They aren’t lazy.  All they need is a Point Four kind of technical assistance. The kind of arid-agri initiative the government of Israel had tried to undertake in collaboration with Mekelle University.  

I know the generosity of the American public is beyond reproach. But research after research has proved that somewhere the link between the donor and the needy is broken and just nobody could fix it. Other than a handful of bigots, the overwhelming American public has always tried to reach out in our moments of trouble and we have never held back our qualified gratitude.  Let us not forget, the iconic People-to-People- cultural troupe which had toured the world to express gratitude remains one of the noble legacies of the Dergue.

However, I have no doubt in my heart that Americans wouldn’t like to have their tax money spent on all sorts of incomprehensible human rights awareness programs.  I don’t think Americans and the rest of the developed world wants to part with their hard earned income to sponsor the family vacations of the Aid Marshals and their families in Mombasa or the Bahamas.

What Africa needs is seed money in terms of technical assistance in line with good old Truman’s Point Four Programs. We hate being the butt of practical jokes of some loser comedian on the edges for money principally expended on the donor Nation’s staff and their local cohorts. I hate to repeat the cliché but what Africa needs isn’t the packed sardines but the fishing rod.  

God Bless.   

The writer could be reached at :  

Editor’s note : Views in the article do not necessarily reflect the views of

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  1. First and foremost, unless the mentality that ‘outside help is needed, and we are not the only ones, most everyone is in the same boat, አይዞን ‘, ‘having more babies is a blessing from God’, & ‘what Ethiopia needs is a port and strong Navy, and beautiful urban jungle’ ( from the PM, not recognizing both his schemes are a gigantic ‘money pit’, not a source of wealth generation ( means of production)) are completely demolished from our society’s frame of mind, so that it won’t become an inheritance we pass on to generations after generations population explosion to continue unchecked… that started since 1980, from 30 million to 120 million in 4 decades, and expected to reach 200 in the next 10 years or sooner… That would be catastrophic.
    In Tigray it was estimated over a million kids were lost during the 2 year war 2022, it is estimated that, over 2 million were born since… it is not going to end well.

    The “Truman’s Point Four Programs” :
    Was when the population of Ethiopia was between 16-18 million , & the US population was 150 million when he was President.. from 1945-1953.

    1945 – 2025 
    US population growth 150m – 340m (2.3 times)
    Eth population growth 16m – 132m (8.25 times)
    That means not one but 10 “Point Four” would still be a drop in the ocean.

    The mind set must shift from having FUN followed by millions of unplanned for babies where begging becomes necessary to care for, to becoming ( motivation the population to be ) productive in improving their economic situation first and foremost to be everyone’s priority thought starting from grade school, for those lucky to have access, and in churches , mosques, and other gathering places. To instill the idea of self sufficiency at every opportune occasion.

    Relying on ‘Help’ makes people lazy… intelligent planning & focused-execution to achieve it, brings pride in self and prosperity to those who do, period.

    Back to USAID:
    here are further exposure to the big ultra wealthy winners /recipients of these $50 billion USAID annual beget ( LOOT )

    Link =

    – Clinton’s daughter Chelsea received nearly $90 million , spent $3 million on her weeding, $11 million to buy her mansion ..
    – Bill Gates $5 billion for his Covid-vaccine company..
    – WEF, WHO, Al-Qaeda… the list is endless
    – Samantha Power former war correspondent prior to 2008 Obama win the presidency… since then magically worth $30 million… in 16 years… how?
    – Angelina jolly $20 million to go visit Zelensky in Kiev, Ukraine
    – Sean peen $ $5 million to go visit Zelensky in Kiev, Ukraine. many others from Hollywood.
    – Many in US congress , perhaps many in UK, EU… other places world wide…

    – The opium cultivation in Afghanistan and the Drug-trafficking’s details are out there , by doing simple search…

    Mike Pompeo: ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole… the glory of the American experiment” , sums it up

    Link =

    We have now entered the 2000 years of “Age of Aquarius” (2025 – 4025), “history repeats itself” , no more.
    The future has no resemblance to the past in any shape or form, it is OVER!!!
    The ‘Veil’ secrecy ( lies) is thinning by the day…, first by years, months, weeks, & now by the hour… 2025/26 it will accelerate warp speed… and what you heard last minute will be over written by what comes next…

    It is an ‘exciting time to be alive’!!! ( that is to say, to be in physical form… ‘Death’ is also fiction; all there is Eternal)
    Stay tuned.

    Be well

    • A culture and mindset that is set on self-sufficiency and economic-growth to eliminate poverty does not slow down even after the nation economic reality (GDP in PPP) has been brought from the very last to #1 in the world the people & and leadership of China are still focused and marching forward in all areas of economic activities from high-tech development in AI and Chip manufacturing -tools leading the world including in low-tech land based agricultural activities.

      Now as shown in the video below the people of China & their leadership are tirelessly working to overturn the 1/3 of China’s territory that is covered by sandy-desert to LIFE one meter at a time, and the progress they are achieving is mind blowing…

      Link =

      No resting (‘smelling the roses’) even after:
      1) leading the US in 57 out of 64 high-end scientific-research
      2) dominating & leading in space exploration, the only nation with its own Space station.
      3) the world’s manufacturing powerhouse from A-Z everything in manufacturing is done there.
      4) 800 + millions out of poverty by becoming a factory of the world, the people working 3 shifts 7 days a week 365/year no rest. entrepreneurs among the working 24/7 only taking naps when they are too exhausted to continue… and back on again to work…
      5) from a bicycle washed nation in 1980 to the leading Car, ships, War-ships, fighter jets, transport plane (soon to take over Boeing and Airbus…, high speed trains crisscrossing not only china other nations including UK (taking over its failing project that started 12 years earlier and still not even 1/10 done), and many other nations as well , ports, roads, etc. all over the world .
      All these in only 40 YEARS. (and not taking handouts, but giving them out generously, and canceling loans when necessary.)
      The Chinese people did not go to the BAR and waisted their hard earned money on booth and frivolous activities, as is the case else were including in Ethiopia ( remember Tigray since 1991 (according to their own revelation from the epic-center) whisky was pouring like there is no tomorrow, look now).

      However, in Ethiopia particularly in Tigray a ‘living-land’ has been allowed to deteriorate with its topsoil washed away year after year for centuries, while in not only China but in Asia similar mountainous landscapes are carved out and turned to a very productive agricultural land , the people there carrying top-soil from other location miles away to make rocky areas to become productive again, it is amazing the king of ‘Cando” attitude and determination those propel have and their culture instilled in them.
      I have seen some videos from the 90’s where in Tigray all kinds of NGO activities were taking place in soil, water, vegetation-conservation and total land rehabilitation activities showing huge progress, people learning to have their own backyard, little water conservation, fish and fruit tree growing projects… Asian mountain farming techniques applied there and taking roots, yet that is not the picture we see today… all that work and lesson learnt has gone to waste it seems.
      How is that possible?

      “The Marshall Plan” mentioned was a one time deal.
      Europe and Japan where it was applied after 1945 was a success simply because (1) the foundation was already there under the rubble, (2) the people of places knew what to do and learnt fast what worked elsewhere and were able to recover faster…
      In Japan’s case, even after being hit harder by the US Nuke (after they surrendered) they were able to host the 1962 Olympics after only 17 years after the 1945 war that decimated their nations to a pile of rubble. but the Cando attitude of the people rose up from the ashes and in 1962 our own Abebe Bikila won the marathon ‘barefoot’. ( sadly the metaphor here is alive in our Ethiopia 63 years later in 2025).

      “Seed money’ ( Marshall plan) and NGO hands-on assistance obviously failed in Tigray ( the people and their ‘larders’ failed themselves) .
      When “Seed money” is eaten year after year and waiting for more, there will not progress & life, but death.

      It was posted on “Borkena’ yesterday TPLF’s Debretsion Gebremichael a failed leader that has been in leadership role for decades starting during the time of the late PM from Tigray, that lead them from disaster to disaster running an illegal Election and taking to war he knew he cannot win and sacrificing the lives of millions of young people has no remorse and is not only inflaming controversies within the region and instigating civil-war he is reported to have been involved in coercive activities involving displaced peoples being forced to contribute $200 (perhaps selling their donated food) to help him lead them yet to another disaster… which he seems to be good at… Stupidity seems to thrive unabated.
      To his credit leadership in the 21st century where WEF & Davos groomed & cultivated dimwits has taken the stage in US, UK & EU, and a few other ‘West ward’ and in-between places leadership is suffering unabated. The UK had 6 PMs in 5 or so years and each time dumber than the last non stop, it is amazing to watch.

      Failed leaders’ boom is what the first quarter of the ’21st Century presented’ (no pun intended ) .

      Be well.

      • I mentioned “WEF” well, many of the Ethiopian ‘politicians’, ‘civil society’, ‘Independent Journalists’, NGO workers, BBC, DW, and other USAID funded international media outlets workers… may have been trained by and graduated from WEF.

        “You own nothing and be happy”, WEF

        Digital ID, that failed to catch momentum Pushed hard in early 2000’s in UK during Tony Blair time , but was easily promoted and put in action in Ethiopia reentry by people trained by WEF ( you know who they are.)
        None of the developed nations like US, UK, EU with 100% capability to do it were able to implement it due to public rejection of the idea who did not want to be surveilled and cut off from services if they do not comply…
        In the US the constitution does not allow Digital ID or CBDC ( central bank digital currency).

        Here is a snippet of their training program video…

        Link =

        Link =

        Be well

  2. Yes, aid has not only ” kept us in a state of perpetual stagnation for a full century”, it has also systematically “helped” us degenerate in all respects. It’s role has long been much beyond that of neo-colonialism. I’m afraid we won’t wake up so as to stand on our own feet. The eccentric, corrupt, visionally poor generations of present and future African “leaders” have not and will never learn from past Pan-African lions like Nkrumah, Kenyatta, Banda, Mashel, and the brothers Amilcar and Luis Kabral.


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