Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeEthiopian VideoEthnic Amhara detained in makeshift camp in appalling condition

Ethnic Amhara detained in makeshift camp in appalling condition


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government has been mounting crackdown on ethnic Amharas in the capital Addis Ababa and other towns in the Oromia region of Ethiopia.

It started after his government declared a state of emergency in the Amhara region following FANO forces resistance to government move to disarm them.

Those who have been detained in the capital Addis Ababa and other areas for being Amhara did not appear in court and the government condemned them to a horrifying condition as Ethiopia is celebrating its new year on Tuesday.

Images and video of the detainees circulating on social media has caused shock to a considerably large number of Ethiopians while the regime’s propaganda forces is justifying what Abiy’s government has done.

At least 2000 ethnic Amharas are believed to be detained.

Human Rights group have not been given permission to investigate rights abuse including in the Amhara region of Ethiopia.

Watch a clip from Anchor media

Video : embedded from Anchor Media youtube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video

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  1. I had the opportunity to visit the Buchenwald, Nazi concentration camp established on Ettersberg hill in Weimar, Germany. More than 250,000 people from almost 50 nations were imprisoned and killed inhuman. Regrettably, what I have witnessed in the attached video bears a haunting resemblance to the grim conditions at this concentration camp. It depicts the unjust detention and torment of individuals of Amhara ethnicity under the cannibal regime of Abiy Ahmed, a situation that warrants our utmost concern and attention.


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