Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeEthiopian NewsEthiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sees another possible war with TPLF 

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sees another possible war with TPLF 

  • Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed says the TPLF should register with the Election Board before it holds party congress
  • TPLF still have hundreds of thousands of armed combatants
Ethiopian news _ Abiy _ TPLF
Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed during a meeting with selected Ethiopian opposition party leaders on Monday this week (photo : screenshot from EBC video)


Toronto – The two years war between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Abiy Ahmed led government is believed to have  claimed nearly one million lives. 

Yet, the Prime Minister seems to see another possible war with the TPLF if the latter is going ahead with holding a party congress without clearing with the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia to be reinstated as a legally registered party. 

Abiy Ahmed remarked so during his latest meeting with selected opposition party leaders in his office.  

A day after the prime minister’s remark, the TPLF released a schedule of what it called the 14th organizational congress and the election of participants to the congress.  The TPLF insists that the congress will start this week. 

The TPLF is reportedly tilting to its organizational habits of ranting.  “No early power could prohibit us from undertaking General Party Congress,” is its response. 

Abiy Ahmed’s  remark has triggered a response from pro-TPLF elements like Dawit Kebede, who used to run Awramba Times newspaper. 

“What is the use of making a sensitive speech saying ‘war is coming to you’,” he questioned. “if the congress is illegal, the people will not ultimately go to Uganda Election Board; aren’t they coming to Addis Ababa Election Board…” he added. 

Recently, the TPLF has been demanding a direct representation in the Federal government to which the Federal government has not officially responded. 

There had been three rounds of political dialogue between the TPLF and the ruling Prosperity party that was going on under the guise of the implementation of the Pretoria Agreement – an agreement that ended the two years war between them. 

TPLF in turmoil 

Reports emerging from the Tigray region seem  to suggest that TPLF is in unprecedented internal turmoil as two factions within the organization are in a chaotic acrimony. 

The audit committee within the organization has been criticizing that a networked group within the organization is dominating.  Lawlessness including the use of mineral resources in the mining sector in the region (primarily gold) by armed groups and networked officials has been  cited as one of the problems that the region and the Organization has been facing. 

The Interim regional administration of Tigray do not seems to be remarking on the development. The regional government claims that it has started “enforcing law” bit it does not seem to be that way. 

In a recent interview with a French Radio station, TPLF chairman Debretsion Gebremichael confirmed that the TPLF still has over 200,000 armed combatants. 

The key provisions of the Pretoria Agreement – that was signed in South Africa in November 2022 – was for the TPLF to disarm its forces. 

The war between the TPLF and the Federal government started in November 2020 when the TPLF forces reportedly attacked the Northern Command of the Ethiopian Defense Force. 

The Ethiopian parliament designated the organization as a terrorist one in May 2021 and the National Electoral Board dismissed the organization as an illegal entity. 


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  1. Borkena, you appear to be the leader in fanning the flames of civil conflict at this moment. You got ahead of the Zeehabesha website this time. What have you gained from the Tigrayan civil war? Are you going to write more articles and fill your page with sorrowful images?We want peace for all of our people, no matter where they live or what ethnic or religious group they belong to. Hopefully , you delete this comment to save your face.

  2. We always assumed ‘evolution’ continuously & gradually goes forward in improvements, in reality though we observe that it seems to go two steps forward and one step back. It behaves more like a market-chart ( Line graph) up and down, a little sideways and up or down… 

    In our country’s experience It has been more obvious since 1974, the dawn of a successful ‘regime-change’ in Ethiopia; and still.
    Reminds me of a seen in the movie ‘2001: A space odyssey’ :

    Link  =

    “Karma is beach”, and it finally brought ‘regime change’ back to its home in America in 2024; and ‘the first in America’s history’ is about to happen, and it is going to be a great movie, for all its victims (the whole Earth) to sit back and watch.

    What this means is that, when an object or wave is set in motion forward and after sometime it comes back to its starting point, it is an indication that, that cycle has come to its eventual end; for good.

    Be well

  3. Dear editors,

    Please do not be distracted by no-good detractors. If you have a personal opinion about anything that may not jive with somebody else’s, that is your Allah bestowed rights. Keep up with what you have been doing which is giving us the space and platform where we can post our two cents worth of opinions.

    Blessings to you and your family.


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