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HomeLatestAfricaWoman to be stoned to death in Sudan over "adultery": report 

Woman to be stoned to death in Sudan over “adultery”: report 

stoned to death _ Woman _
A woman sentenced to be stoned to death in the Al-Shabab controlled part of Somalia (Photo : file/ via Sudan Tribune)


A court in the Southern part of Sudan reportedly sentenced a woman to death over an “adultery” offence. 

Sudan Tribune cited a human rights group, on Sunday, to report that Maryam Alsyed Tiyrab, 20 years of age, is to be stoned to death. 

However, a high court in the White Nile State of Sudan has to approve Kosti Criminal Court’s decision before the sentence is implemented.

If approved,  Maryam Alsyed Tirab will be facing death by stoning. 

The source cited the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) as saying that the court sentence “violated international standards and called on Sudanese authorities to overturn it. 

ACJPS is calling for her “unconditional release and right to a fair trial.” 

The group is asserting that the trial and the investigation process had irregularities.

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  1. Subject: Woman to be stoned to death in Sudan over “adultery”: report , July 11, 2022

    “A court “ made the decision that a “20 years of age, is to be stoned to death”.  It is the saddest news item In my favoriet SUDAN !? In a place where the people are known for gentility, modesty, decensy …. ???

    I can imagine what ‘abc’s xyz’s … ‘ etc will be saying about AFRICA, in totality. Even the so-called “RELIGION” will be coming into play & the untouchable ALLAH – GOD [i.e. just in alphabetical order, please) wherever they may be.

    And that is our world that we are proud of but with all its ugly, as well as its beautiful feature. It is mysterious world upon which First and Second World Wars were fought by top CIVILIZED societies, at the risk of consequential result to the rest of the helpless, obedient world. No one was found guilty in universal court of law. The Mightiest is the culprit and the judge. The rest are just fillers. Don’t try to agonize the Mightiest on Planet Earth.



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